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How The UAE Grows its Own Food In a Sustainable Way

By Jackie Austin -January 25, 2020


As the UAE strives to achieve and maintain the highest level of national food security, a transformation is taking place in the country’s agricultural sector. As agriculture often puts considerable pressure on natural resources and the environment, the UAE develops sustainable and integrated food safety systems that use the latest technologies to innovate solutions to the challenges of securing food resources.

In other words, the country is now promoting and applying large-scale sustainable farming methods aimed at protecting the environment, expanding the world’s natural resources and maintaining and improving soil fertility. It also wants to support farmers, resources, and communities by promoting farming practices that are profitable, environmentally friendly and good for communities.

Some of the practices under sustainable agriculture include vertical farming, hydroponics, organic farming, and controlled environmental farming to grow local fruits and vegetables with minimal resources. The Abu Dhabi authorities recently said they used the latest technology to grow crops locally as part of the food security strategy.

Saeed Al Bahari Salem Al Ameri, director of the Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority (ADFCA), said the authority is working on an ambitious plan to achieve the sustainability of agriculture and to support the overall scientific research efforts to improve food safety mechanisms. “The Authority is keen to invest in future technologies and create innovative and sustainable solutions to overcome environmental and climate challenges, with the aim of identifying the best technologies and the most suitable farming methods for the local environment and local farmers and companies in the private sector, to achieve sustainability in these areas, “Al Ameri said.

Last year, a Smart Home Farming Showcase called “Bustani” – meaning “garden” in Arabic – was launched in Masdar City’s Eco-Villa prototype to demonstrate emerging farming solutions. It included innovative solutions to encourage people to grow and grow their own food at home to help provide sustainable solutions and manage food safety.

Bringing a revolution in agriculture

Using advanced technology to produce zero pesticides, zero herbicide, and more water-efficient products, Unsfarms from the UAE is growing food for a better future by revolutionizing agriculture. Mustafa Moiz, director of Unsfarms, a local indoor hydroponics company that grows fresh, locally produced leafy vegetables without chemicals or preservatives, said vertical farming is the future of sustainable agriculture in the UAE. “By growing vertically, we are able to produce 40 times more on the same footprint of the country, bringing the concept from farmer to plate to your home. With a third of the world’s population hungry and two-thirds of the food products waste due to logistics inefficiencies, local growth in urban areas can play an important role in addressing these problems, and with the world population expected to reach nearly 10 billion by 2050, the simplest answer is vertical farming where products are free from pesticides and herbicides, with consistent production with ecologically sustainable methods throughout the year. In addition to sustainability, our indoor culture approach will also improve the taste and quality of the products, giving the brand and retailers a competitive advantage. “Talking about the varieties of crops that they produce through vertical farming, he said: “For example, we grow heirloom varieties and types of products that people usually don’t find, such as wasabi mustard, red-veined sorrel and gourmet lettuce that burst with taste even when consumed raw. We are busy growing different types of lettuce leaves, mixes and micro vegetables such as kale, gourmet baby lettuce, mustard and herbs.

Controlled environment agriculture”

Madar Farms, based in Abu Dhabi, one of the local farms that has been operating for four years now, offers a holistic approach to sustainability to address food and water safety challenges in the region. Kyle Wagner, head of operations at Madar Farms, said they use different methods to ensure that their products are grown sustainably. One is through closed and controlled systems that offer optimum conditions and protect plants against external factors, making a consistent food supply possible throughout the year. “In this controlled environmental agriculture we use a technology-based approach to food production within a closed cultivation system where environmental variables can be maintained and optimized,” he said.

Wagner said the farm also takes a two-pronged approach, combining hydroponics and vertical farming methods to unlock synergistic benefits. Madar Farms is currently growing various leafy vegetables and microgreens and their new multi-million-dirham farming facility – the world’s first commercial tomato-based commercial farm with only LED lamps to grow fresh tomatoes will be put into operation later this year in Abu Dhabi. The 5,000 square meter facility currently under construction in the industrial zone of Khalifa, Abu Dhabi (Kizad), will also grow microgreens and triple the number of microgreens that Madar Farms is currently growing. All grown products are distributed locally throughout the UAE

Wagnar explained that, in general, crops grown in controlled environmental agriculture with hydroponics grow slightly faster than regular crops because they are provided with the ideal environmental conditions that are needed to thrive.“Sustainable agriculture combines our technology with agriculture. As such, sensors, software, filters, LED lighting, air conditioning, and strict hygiene protocols are required,” he said.

Connect customers and farmers

PC Kabeer and wife Semy Kabeer, who founded FarmChimp, an SME that connects consumers directly with farmers who use organic farming for their crops, said:

“We are working on a traceability concept so that our customers can make contact with their farmers and understand the ways the farmer has used to get that product.

We bring the face of the farmer and connect him with the customers so that they can better understand their products.

And we want to bring the land to life by encouraging farmers to use organic fertilizer, feritlisers and also doing multi-cropping to enrich the soil. “Darshan Murali, a 16-year-old student volunteer who focuses on organic farming, together with a team of students, spreads awareness about sustainable agriculture by organizing activities that involve children in organic farming. “The products needed for the garden that we use are completely chemical-free. This process starts from the end of October and ends with a successful harvest in March. The first step is to prepare the soil with cow dung and peat moss. After a few weeks, the plants need fertilizer and for that, we use neem cake, visamic acid, and cow manure again together with vegetable compost.

To get rid of the pests and insects, we use garlic and chilly mix diluted with water and then spray it on the leaves. The entire process is done by volunteers from our team of volunteers named #teamUFK. “Murali said they use organic farming at their GEMS Millennium School, Sharjah and have grown vegetables such as tomato, chili, cauliflower, ovary, cucumber, snake gourd, and other leafy vegetables. “By allowing plants to grow organically themselves, you ensure that you are free from lifestyle diseases and organic agriculture ensures that the ecosystem is well balanced.”reporters@khaleejtimes.com