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Resources To Help Become A Microgreens Grower

Resources To Help Become A Microgreens Grower

March 20, 2018

"May I ask any recommendations or tips on what direction I should go to start learning how to become a microgreens grower."

This question inspired us to write this blog post. Ladies and gentlemen, the Master Grower has turned on the Fasten Seat Belt sign. If you haven’t already done so, please stow your carry-on luggage underneath the seat in front of you or in an overhead bin. Make sure you're seat belt is tightened. You won’t regret missing out on this! We promise.

Microgreen Garden: Indoor Grower's Guide To Gourmet Greens 

by Mark Mathew Braunstein

"No matter where you live or what season, you can be a successful microgreens gardener. By growing microgreens, you gain access to fresh, delectable, organic, and homegrown greens year round. And all you need to start your indoor garden are seeds, soil or coco coir, water, and access to a sunny window or grow lights." pg.4

Storing Your Microgreens

"One of the wonderful things about growing microgreens is that it's often possible to harvest the greens as you're ready to eat them. When this isn't the case, refrigerate whatever you don't plan to eat immediately.

The best way to store clipped microgreens is in a food-safe plastic container with a lid. If necessary, It's okay to store microgreens in a bag if you handle the greens and bag gently. Set refrigerator's thermostat close to the freezing point and you'll keep your harvest fresh for two weeks or longer. Make sure you store microgreens dry to touch.


If you grow microgreens in repurposed containers (such as pints or half pints), you can refrigerate the microgreens, soil, container, and all if the greens are ready but you're not quite ready to eat them. After one week, the soil may need some soaking, after which the greens will remain fresh for yet another week. This is one of several conveniences that container growing offers over tray growing." pg.35

Water From The Bottom

The technique of watering microgreens from below is adapted from a method used by large scale microgreens farmer, who deliver their uncut crops to restaurants and markets still in their seedling containers.

The microgreens continue to grow in the restaurant and the marketplace and they do so without becoming moldy. Avoiding mold is the main goal of bottom watering. Water your microgreens whenever the top of the soil feels dry, 
usually once daily for half pint containers and every other day for pint containers, which are deeper. pg.46

Microgreens: A Guide To Growing  Nutrient Packed Greens

by Eric Frank

"Over the past twenty years, interest in local, fresh and organic food has been on the rise. There has been a rejuvenation of the small farm and a renewal of appreciation for fresh vegetables. The revival of the farmers market, the inception of the CSA model (Community Supported Agriculture), and the overall movement towards clean, whole foods has been extraordinary and is
continuing to grow. People are rediscovering the importance of fresh, locally grown food. This movement has shown that it's not just for the affluent, not only for those interested in farming but for the whole of the population and future generations." pg.2


Quality seeds are another integral part of growing microgreens. Factors that'll affect the viability of your seeds are storage, handling, age, and seed source. If you sow one thousand seeds, the difference between a 95 percent germination rate and a 50 percent germination rate is quite noticeable. It can be disheartening to have gone through the effort of sowing and caring for your trays only to see a small percentage of your seeds come up.


When it comes to storing and handling your seeds, you'll want to keep them cool and dry. Avoid great
fluctuation in temperature and moisture. During hot, humid summer days, be mindful not to leave them in the sun or let them get caught in a summer thunderstorm. Properly caring for  your seeds will maintain their viability for longer period of time. pg.22


Scissors For Harvesting


We find that scissors are most effective tool for harvesting microgreens. Buy a separate pair solely for the use of harvesting is not a bad idea that way they stay sharp and clean and make cutting easy. Having a couple of different sizes of scissors can be helpful for cutting different varities and densities of microgreens as well. The most important thing here is sharpness. Once your scissors begin to dull. you can either buy new pair or sharpen your existing pair. Making a clean cut through the stem is one important component to the longevity of your microgreens. The less cell damage done during the harvest, the longer they'll hold. Once scissors are allowed to dull, they'll start to tear the stems of the microgreens versus making a clean cut. If stored for later use, you may notice deterioration and discoloration at the bottom of the stem where they have been poorly cut.

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