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This Shipping Container Is A High-Tech Growing Machine | Editorial


By Times of Trenton Editorial Board

Robbinsville is thinking inside the box as a way to go green.

The township recently laid claim to being the first New Jersey municipality to take delivery of a portable, hydroponic box farm.

It's basically a 40-foot-by-80-foot metal shipping container that has been converted into a high-tech growing machine.

Plants are grown in nutrient-rich water that requires no soil. Indoor lighting takes the place of sunlight to produce the photosynthesis needed to grow leafy green vegetables. An added advantage is that plants can be grown year-round in a temperature-controlled environment that is regulated by computer software. And no pesticides are needed to raise fresh organic food.

The box farm, called a Leafy Green Machine, is made by Freight Farms, a Boston company, and costs $104,000, according to Kevin Holt, Robbinsville's recreation activities coordinator.

He sees a bright future for the box farm. Initially, the town plans to grow lettuce and other greens for the benefit of township programs, such as Meals on Wheels and the senior center, where the box will be set up.

Town sees big future in small, hydroponic box 'farm'

The box farm - located in a portable shipping container - can grow lettuce, leafy greens and kale


Once food production is up and running, Holt expects it will produce nutritious greens such as lettuce, mustard greens, Asian greens, endive and an assortment of herbs for nonprofits and other organization that feed the needy.

The hope is that the township will eventually start a community share garden and sell greens to residents to help pay for the initial investment. If all goes according to plan, the township will pay off the farm box in five to seven years.

Robbinsville is breaking new ground with this food-growing experiment. If it is successful, it will pave the way for other towns and organizations to follow its example.

The beauty of a self-contained food growing system is that it can be placed in just about any urban lot, where it can produce about 1,000 heads of lettuce a week, according to box farm manufactures.

Imagine what this could mean for "food deserts," poor areas where fresh, healthy vegetables at reasonable prices are scarce.

Of course, this small-space farming is no panacea for solving world hunger, but it certainly could put a dent in it, especially if scaled up to bigger proportions.

Robbinsville is starting out small, but it is paving the way for a possible food revolution.

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