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Urban Agriculture

Urban Agriculture

Image credit: Douglas Gayeton

Urban agriculture pioneers are taking action in their communities, growing not only fresh, healthy produce, but also providing jobs, beautifying their neighborhoods, and offering access to fresh, healthy food in areas where grocery stores are sparse.

As American agriculture continues to grow in new directions, NRCS conservation assistance is growing along with it. NRCS provides technical and financial assistance for assistance for urban growers in areas such as:

  • Soil Health
  • Irrigation and Water Conservation
  • Weeds and Pests
  • High Tunnels – NRCS can provide financial assistance for high tunnels, used to extend the growing season and to protect plants from harsh weather, air pollution and pests. By making local produce available for more months in the year, fewer resources are used to transport food to plates. Visit the NRCS High Tunnels website.


Get Started

Starting an urban farm comes with a unique set of challenges and opportunities. NRCS can help with the challenges of conservation, and support urban farmers in their efforts to achieve local, healthy, sustainable food for their communities.

Start by contacting your local NRCS Service Center.

Success Stories in Urban Agriculture

Learn about urban farmers who have worked with NRCS. Read our stories.