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The Future of Farming: Revolutionizing Agriculture With Intelligent Containers

NOVEMBER 2, 2023


Innovations in farming technology have transformed the way we cultivate crops, making it more accessible and efficient for organizations and individuals alike. One groundbreaking solution that has gained popularity in recent years is the use of intelligent farm containers. These fully enclosed shipping containers are equipped with advanced features such as watering systems, lighting controls, fertilizing mechanisms, and sensors, all connected through IoT connectivity.

Freight Farms, a leading provider of intelligent farm containers, has recently upgraded its IoT platform to enhance lighting controls and outlet power management. According to CTO Jake Felser, these improvements have revolutionized farming by allowing even those with limited agricultural experience to become successful farmers. The 40-foot farm containers, known as Greenery, utilize vertical racks to cultivate various crops, including vegetables, herbs, and flowers. With support from sensors and controllers, these containers create a controlled environment for plant growth, facilitated by wired, cellular, or Wi-Fi connections.

One remarkable example of the impact of intelligent farm containers can be seen at the Boys & Girls Club, Metro South, in Massachusetts. By implementing Freight Farms containers, the club has been able to introduce agricultural practices to students and the local community, fostering an appreciation for fresh produce. The containers have yielded an impressive variety of crops, including lettuce, kale, spinach, peppers, peas, and even edible and decorative flowers.

What sets these intelligent containers apart is the integration of physical and digital technologies. Farmers can actively monitor the crops by manually checking watering and lighting onsite, while also utilizing mobile apps for remote monitoring. This digital access allows users like Derek W. Heim, CEO of the Boys & Girls Club, Metro South, to conveniently manage multiple farms at different locations.

The journey to developing this revolutionary farming solution began when Freight Farms’ founders explored rooftop gardens as a means to address food accessibility issues. However, they soon realized the limitations of rooftop space and the complex regulatory process associated with permanent farming sites. This led to the creation of the Greenery containers, which provide a self-contained and scalable farming solution within refurbished shipping containers.

The intelligent containers offer a holistic and sustainable approach to water use, requiring only about five gallons of water per day, which can be recirculated. Coupled with vertical hydroponics and IoT connectivity, farmers can maintain precise control over the indoor environment for optimal plant growth.

Previously, the containers had manual controllers, limiting access to real-time data. However, since 2020, the system has become connected, enabling wireless data access via Wi-Fi or cellular connections. Users can now monitor crucial parameters and receive alerts on their farming operations, ensuring that no issues go unnoticed, even when they are away from the site.

To operate the containers, new farmers simply need to connect the necessary water and power supplies, as well as establish Ethernet, cellular, or Wi-Fi connectivity. Freight Farms also offers comprehensive training programs, such as “farm camp,” to guide users through the fundamentals of farming with intelligent containers. Additionally, the cloud-based software, Farmhand, provides farmers with tools to manage their sites, access support from the farming community, and gain insights from Freight Farms’ technicians through a yearly subscription.

The future of farming lies in embracing technology and innovation. Intelligent farm containers offer a glimpse into the possibilities of sustainable and high-yield agriculture, making it accessible to a wider range of individuals and organizations. With the ability to remotely monitor and control farming operations, farmers can optimize crop production and contribute to a more sustainable and resilient food system.


Q: What are intelligent farm containers?
A: Intelligent farm containers are fully enclosed shipping containers equipped with advanced features such as watering systems, lighting controls, fertilizing mechanisms, and sensors, all connected through IoT connectivity.

Q: What are some benefits of using intelligent farm containers?
A: The benefits of using intelligent farm containers include making farming more accessible to those with limited agricultural experience, creating a controlled environment for optimal plant growth, enabling remote monitoring and control of farming operations, and promoting a sustainable and high-yield agriculture.

Q: How are intelligent farm containers being used?
A: Intelligent farm containers are being used to cultivate various crops, including vegetables, herbs, and flowers. They are being implemented in various settings, such as educational institutions and local communities, to introduce agricultural practices and foster an appreciation for fresh produce.

Q: What is the integration of physical and digital technologies in intelligent farm containers?
A: The integration of physical and digital technologies allows for active monitoring of crops through onsite checks and remote monitoring through mobile apps. This enables users to conveniently manage multiple farms at different locations.

Q: How do intelligent containers promote sustainable water use?
A: Intelligent containers require only about five gallons of water per day, which can be recirculated. Coupled with vertical hydroponics and IoT connectivity, farmers can maintain precise control over the indoor environment for optimal plant growth while reducing water consumption.

Key Terms:

– Intelligent farm containers: Fully enclosed shipping containers equipped with advanced features such as watering systems, lighting controls, fertilizing mechanisms, and sensors, all connected through IoT connectivity.
– IoT connectivity: The interconnection of everyday objects through the internet, allowing them to send and receive data.
– Vertical hydroponics: A method of growing plants in vertically stacked layers, using a nutrient-rich water solution instead of soil.

Related Links:

Freight Farms website
BBC: Farming technology to tackle global hunger