A Recent Study In Senior Living Communities Learned What Residents Miss The Most From Their Own homes.

Number One Is Their Music, Number Two Is Gardening.

Sustainable Sales offers Vertical Gardening Systems that are perfect for senior facilities.

For an older adult who feels as though they’ve lost their purpose, gardening delivers a sense of meaning and accomplishment. It gives them a piece of home and familiarity. It makes them proud to see that something they created is being used.

Gardening improves relaxation in people with dementia, provides an opportunity for physical activity and reduces social isolation.

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Vertical Gardening Systems:

  • Can be indoor or outdoor

  • Can be used with The Garden Soxx®, which are biodegradable nylon, lled with compost. Soxx can come planted with ower, vegetable, fruit or herb seeds.

  • Has an in-line drip irrigation system to water the plants

  • Offers a solar cell option to power the unit so it is not dependable on electricity

  • Are ADA compliant

  • For more information, contact

    Barb Wehmer

    (217) 653-2513

  • barb3wehmer@gmail.com


    Vertical Gardening Systems


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