BREAKING: I’m At The EPA Right Now - Join Us In Demanding A Ban on Monsanto’s Roundup Weedkiller!

Dear Supporter,

I’m here at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with our allies to deliver the petition signatures we’ve collected so far demanding that the EPA end the use of glyphosate-based herbicides. (Live video here.)

Even if you’re not here with us, you can help!

First, please submit your comments to the EPA  before midnight on Friday, July 5. Demand that the EPA heed the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer determination that glyphosate is a “probable human carcinogen.”

Next, sign this petition asking Congress to ban Monsanto-Bayer’s cancer-causing Roundup weedkiller.


There are members of Congress who are ready to join us in pressuring the EPA to conduct an unbiased, scientific review of the evidence that Roundup causes non-Hodgkin lymphoma. 

We’ve even heard from some of them that they would consider introducing a bill to ban glyphosate--if they heard from enough of their constituents!

When we learned that members of Congress were considering introducing a bill to ban glyphosate, we decided to postpone our Storm the EPA action until the legislation is introduced. This way, we can coordinate our Storm the EPA action with a lobby day in support of the new bill—and give ourselves time to raise the money needed to make these events a success. 

Our plan is to gather Roundup-exposed cancer victims, top-level scientists with the latest research on the pesticide’s harm, successful farmers and ranchers who are living proof that we don’t need Roundup weedkiller to grow food and local leaders who have banned Roundup from their cities.

Our first events will be in Washington, D.C. But then we’ll take the campaign to ban Roundup to St. Louis in October for teach-ins and rallies timed with the next Monsanto trials and World Food Day, the tenth anniversary of the first Global Day of Action against Monsanto.  

We can’t do this without you!

1. Tell the EPA: Ban glyphosate! If you haven’t already, please submit your comment to the EPA in addition to signing our petition. Tell the EPA why glyphosate should be banned. Be sure to include your personal story, especially if you or someone you know has cancer or another illness due to exposure to Monsanto-Bayer’s glyphosate-based herbicides. You can attach photos to your submission.

2. Tell Congress: Tell Congress to ban Monsanto/Bayer’s cancer-causing Roundup weedkiller! Your Member of Congress might consider introducing a bill to ban Roundup. All they need is a little encouragement from you!

3. Donate to help us cover the costs of organizing impactful, educational and visually interesting events that bring together Roundup-exposed cancer victims, top-level scientists, successful organic farmers, and local leaders who have banned Roundup, in Washington and St. Louis.


Thank you!

Alexis, for the OCA team.

P.S. To help support this, and other campaigns, please consider making a donation to OCA. Nearly 80 percent of our support comes in the form of small donations from individual donors. Thank you!


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