European Parliament Passes Medical Marijuana Resolution

The European Parliament is calling for an EU-wide policy for medical cannabis and properly funded scientific research. On 13 February, members of the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes.

In a resolution adopted yesterday, members of the European ParlIament called on the Commission and national authorities to draw a clear distinction between medical cannabis and other uses of cannabis.  

Several EU countries have legalised the medical use of some form of cannabis or cannabinoids or are considering changes to their legislation.

However, the rules on which products are allowed and how they should be used vary widely, although no EU country authorises the smoking or home-growing of cannabis for medical purposes.

While the World Health Organization has officially recommended that the cannabis compound cannabidiol (CBD) should not be classified as a controlled substance, there are no EU-wide rules at the moment for either the medical or recreational use of cannabis.

Therapeutic effects
Members pointed out that cannabis and cannabinoids may have therapeutic effects in stimulating appetite (for weight loss linked to Aids) and in alleviating the symptoms of, for example, mental disorders or epilepsy, asthma, cancer and Alzheimer’s. However, more research is needed. It could also help to ease menstrual pain and reduce the risks of obesity and diabetes. 

The resolution urges the Commission and member states to address regulatory, financial and cultural barriers which burden scientific research and invites them to properly fund research.

MEPs propose ways to address research gaps on medical cannabis and call on member states to seize the potential of cannabis-based medicines.

The EU, too, should embark on more research and stimulate innovation with regard to medicinal cannabis projects.

Let doctors prescribe cannabis-based medicines
MEPs call on member states to allow doctors to use their professional judgement in prescribing cannabis-based medicines. When effective, these medicines are to be covered by health insurance schemes in the same way as other types of medicine, they say.

The regulation of cannabis-based medicines would translate into additional revenue for public authorities, would limit the black market and ensure quality and accurate labelling. It would also limit minors’ access to this substance, they say.

MEPs say that there is evidence that cannabis or cannabinoids may be effective in increasing appetite and decreasing weight loss associated with HIV/AIDS. Medical cannabis may also help to alleviate the symptoms of mental disorders such as psychosis or Tourette syndrome, and to alleviate the symptoms of epilepsy, as well as Alzheimer’s, arthritis, asthma, cancer, Crohn’s disease and glaucoma. They also help to reduce the risk of obesity and diabetes and ease menstrual pain.

Whilst the WHO has officially recommended that the cannabis compound cannabidiol (CBD) should not be classified as a controlled substance, legislation in member states differs widely on the subject of cannabis for medicinal purposes.


Publication date : 2/14/2019 


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