What Flooding In London And New York Tells Us About The Future of Climate Change

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By Hope Talbot

July 13, 2021

Yesterday, parts of London experienced one month’s worth of rain within a day, causing severe flash floods across various areas of the city. Similar incidents of flash flooding have also been reported across several parts of Europe, with Bulgaria, France, and Switzerland all experiencing similar flooding.

This comes after New York experienced similarly severe flooding last Thursday as a result of Storm Elsa, with subways and highways flooded throughout the state.

With America and parts of Europe already experiencing erratic weather patterns, such as record-breaking night temperatures, climate scientists are increasingly worried over the future of weather patterns like this in the coming years.

How is climate change affecting flooding?

The likelihood of flooding is significantly increased due to the extreme weather patterns caused by global climate change. Changes in the geography of the land, resulting from climate change, also have a part to play in increasing flooding.

With certain vegetation and other land barriers being broken down as a result of changing temperatures and freak weather patterns, many of the natural preventative measures against flooding are no longer there.

Higher temperatures mean higher rainfall

With America experiencing its hottest June on record, temperatures have soared dramatically. As a result of these higher temperatures, we’re experiencing higher air and water temperatures, increasing evaporation.

With increased evaporation comes increased rainfall, with longer durations as well as higher intensity and frequency of rainfall, too.

Evidence also suggests that temperatures increase at a higher rate above the equator, meaning countries in the Northern Hemisphere, such as America and the UK, are likely to experience more significant temperature changes.

How can flooding be prevented?

Although flash floods may seem uncontrollable, there are several possible steps to ensuring that cities and towns are protected against flooding, with rainwater being distributed in a sustainable way.

Sponge cities

Through ingenious urban planning, cities have been able to use strategic green spaces to absorb excess rainwater for future use, therefore reducing flood risk. In China, the concept of ‘sponge cities’ has become popular, with irrigating gardens and urban farms acting like sponges to soak up excess water.

Urban greenery

As seen in the recent London floods, sewage management became a big issue, with sewage pipes bursting due to flooding. In Europe, green roofs are another innovative solution to reducing flooding risk, with greenery absorbing stormwater run-off, and thereby preventing sewage overflow.

Permeable pavements

A common issue seen within urban flooding is the lack of drainage away from walking paths and roads, with cement being unable to absorb water. An ingenious solution to this is installing permeable pavements, which can absorb water and transfer it to other sources, such as urban green spaces.

Lead Photo: Recent flooding across the UK


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