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Farmer-to-Farmer Harvie Webinars - Managing Customer Friendly Farm Shares And Direct-To-Consumer Marketing Channels

You are invited to a free webinar series - Farmer-to-Farmer Harvie Webinars - managing customer-friendly farm shares and direct-to-consumer marketing channels, brought to you by 3 farmers who use Harvie on their farm.

They will spend about 30 minutes talking about how they use Harvie and how it has benefited their farm business. There will be time for Q-and-A following each webinar.

The webinars will occur each Tuesday in November

at noon EST / 11 am CST / 10 am MST / 9 am PST.

Here is the schedule:

  • November 12th: Noah from Rora Valley Farm - "How Harvie helps my farm increase financial stability and profitability through selling more product to a highly satisfied membership"

  • November 19th: Robyn at Park Ridge Organics, "How we pack 350 customized farm shares per week"

  • November 26th: Curtis from Millsap Farms, "How Harvie Vanquished 'The Dread Of The Empty Box' On Millsap Farm Or "how I learned to stop worrying and love the algorithm..."

You may come to one or all of the webinars in the series.

To register, fill out this form:

For more information on Harvie - https://www.harvie.farm/forfarmers/

Contact julie@harvie.farm with any questions!