Growing Microgreens At Home

Growing Microgreens

February 28, 2019

Are you interested in growing microgreens at home for the winter
months? Well this blog will help you make the right decisions while
growing healthy nutritional microgreens.

Microgreens are most
commonly harvested from leafy greens such as kale, arugula,
radish greens and herbs. The taste of microgreens depends on the
original vegetable. Microgreens have a very strong and
concentrated taste of the original vegetable. This means that
cilantro microgreens will still taste of cilantro but in a stronger, more
vegetable and condensed format.

Here are your instructions:

1. Get a 10 x 20 tray or container. 10 x 20 trays are the best, but my personal favorite are those clear plastic salad containers with a lid. It’s a little harder to harvest, and you may not get idea air flow, but the lids are nice for keeping the seeds moist while in germination stage.

2. Get growing medium such as bio-strateburlap or soil. Pre-moisten your growing medium by soaking in a 5 gallon bucket or a big bowl. Keep the medium soaking for 4-8 hours.

3. Place growing medium in the tray and make sure to flatten the medium with your hands.

4. Sprinkle seeds over the top of the medium. Don’t worry about spacing. You’ll be harvesting so soon that a nice little carpet is what you’re going for. For best results use a spice shaker to spread the seeds evenly.

5. Spray your seeds with a spray bottle or water lightly and then spray the inside of your humidity dome. Cover your tray with the humidity dome and place in a dark location. Covering the tray helps keeps in the moisture, and the darkness helps the seeds to germinate.

 6) Remove cover after seeds sprout. After a few days your seeds should have sprouted. Remove the cover and place in front of a sunny window sill or under an artificial light.

7) Carefully water your microgreens. The best option is to bottom water, which is setting your tray with drainage holes in a sink of water and letting the microgreens soak it up. If you top water, be careful not to flatten the tiny greens.

8) Cut your microgreens with a sharp knife or a pair scissors, most are delicious after they develop their second set of leaves, and are about 2 inches tall.

9) Eat your microgreens! You can eat them on sandwiches, in stir fry, on pizza, in green smoothies, in salads, or as a garnish and ingredient.

These are simple and easy instructions. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out.

Tags: ingredientsmatter growingmicrogreens at home microgreens microgreen how to


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