Meet The Designer Putting Rooftop Gardens On Cars in NYC

Following up on their NYC Is Green content series, Mercedes-Benz EQ and arts-focused media production company Created Here are placing the spotlight on sustainability advocate and NYC-based interactive designer Marco Castro Cosio. After taking us behind-the-scenes with visual artist Zaria Forman, who creates large-scale paintings of arctic and ocean landscapes to raise awareness for climate change, and highlighting Dan Barasch, a community developer building a fully underground park in NYC, Mercedes-Benz EQ is capping their content series by featuring the innovative work of Castro Cosio.

As an innovation consultant with residencies at Columbia, NYU, and TED, and as the mind behind Bus Roots, an initiative that installs “green” roofs on the tops of vehicles, Marco Castro Cosio represents the environmental ingenuity NYC Is Green stands for.

By placing lightweight “green” roofs composed of plant life on the tops of cars and buses, Marco Castro Cosio’s Bus Roots aims to unlock an extra 1,000,000 square feet of green space in New York City. Castro Cosio’s contribution would generate more plant life in NYC – which helps to provide refuge to the city’s wildlife and pollinators – and his green roofs would serve as a natural coolant for the sweltering New York summers. Watch the video above to learn more about Marco Castro Cosio’s green roofs, his commitment to NYC sustainability, and more.



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