New Raft For Hydroponic Crops Such As Basil

Rosa Plast has introduced a new raft to grow basil hydroponically. Developed in collaboration with Cammelli, the companies claim that the productivity increases by 25%. "They are designed to optimize processes, logistics, maintenance, cleaning operations and, most of all, to increase productivity per square meter." 

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Using the panel leads to a 25% increase in productivity, 10% less time used for harvesting, a 15% drop in transplant time and a 30% drop in cleaning time. Its long-lastingness was assessed at +400%." 

"Thanks to our lengthy experience and our collaboration with Cammelli, we developed a panel for the cultivation of basil. The great performances were confirmed by both agronomists and producers," explains plant manager Attilio Cattaruzza. 

"In addition, no sanitation is required and the material used is entirely recyclable. The panel was designed to be used with an automated system and can be stacked."

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Rosa Plast was set up in the 1960s and specializes in the construction of plastic component molds and equipment for the processing of plastic materials. A few years ago, it also started focusing on the indoor forming sector, with particular attention to designing rafts for soil-less hydroponic crops.

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"Our recent experiences and the collaboration with expert producers of highly-automated systems meant we could develop a few products for hydroponic crops. We registered two patents for salad and basil rafts." 

Rosa Plast Srl
Z.I. Nord- Via Valcellina 1, 
33097 Spilimbergo (PN) Italy
Tel.: (+39) 0427 595311

Publication date: 7/1/2019 


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