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Revolution In Food And Biomass Production (REFAB) – Solutions And Alternatives To Secure Our Food And Biomass Supply Of The Future! 

What high-tech strategies are emerging for big farms and smallholders to sustainably supply a growing world population?

The conference “Revolution in Food and Biomass Production (REFAB)”, October 1 and 2 in Cologne, Germany gives a unique opportunity to meet the pioneers and forerunners of the future of food and biomass production. With the “Future Protein Award“, the conference will also address one of the main global problems: the protein supply security.

3 Keynote Speakers: Conference "Revolution in Food and Biomass Production (REFAB)” (http://www.refab.info), 1-2 October 2018, Cologne Germany

Keynote Speakers:

  • Dr. Rafaël Schneider - Deutsche Welthungerhilfe (DE)

  • Thomas Arnold - European Commission, DG RTD (BE)

  • Michael Carus - nova-Institut (DE)

will give a comprehensive overview of the challenges and the opportunities of the future of food and biomass production at the conference Revolution in Food and Biomass Production (REFAB)(http://www.refab.info), 1-2 October 2018, Cologne Germany.

10:15 Dr. Rafaël Schneider, Deutsche Welthungerhilfe (DE): Food and Nutrition Security: Global Challenge – Site-Specific Solutions
Dr. Rafaël Schneider will elaborate on the social issues of the global nutrition security:
"Food security has long been regarded as a matter of balancing supply with demand. In the past, policies were limited to increasing agricultural production and/or slowing population growth. This perspective has fundamentally changed. Nowadays concepts and policies address four central ingredients, or pillars of food security: availability, access, utilization, and stability."

10:40 Thomas ArnoldEuropean CommissionDG RTD (BE): Innovation from Across – can Cross-Pollinating Sectors, Actors and Conversations Unfold Solutions Towards Systemic Change?
Thomas Arnold believes that innovation across sectors and disciplines and communities can unfold solutions towards systemic change in food and biomass production: He will present how 9 innovation areas develop and what potential their interaction holds for us:
"Co-creation and cross-creation in the Anthropocene: Such examples highlight the importance for science, policy and business to move beyond silos. With complexity, uncertainty and unpredictability as the new normal, co-creating and cross-creating solutions on the right side of history may become increasingly important if we want to turn the emerging Anthropocene into a success."

11:05 Michael Carus, nova-Institut GmbH (DE), Sustainability Assessment of New Food and Biomass Technologies
Michael Carus will present more detail on the environmental footprint of food production and the necessity to evaluate new technologies before they disperse in the market:
"Little is known about the sustainability of different foods. This must change in order to reduce the environmental footprint of the food industry. The same is true for new technologies: they promise higher efficiency and lower environmental impact. This must be scientifically tested and proved at an early stage in order to set the right co

Register now for the conference!


Introduction and overview

Thomas Arnold, European Commission, DG RTD (BE)
Michael Carus, nova-Institut (DE)

Precision farming, robotics, drones and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Dr. Joachim Stiegemann, CLAAS E-Systems (DE)
Tobias Menne, BASF (DE)
Dr. Filipe Neves dos Santos, Centre for Robotics in Industry and Intelligent Systems (CRIIS) (PT)
Dr. Srinivasu Pappula, Tata Consultancy Services (IN)
Prof. Dr. Stefan Pelzer, Evonik Nutrition & Care (DE)
Dr. Anil K Rajvanshi, Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute (NARI) (IN)
Dr. Marcus Remmers, DSM (NL)
Inkyu Sa, Flourish (CH)
Dr. Norbert Schmitz, Meo Carbon Solutions (DE)
Egbert Schroeer, Microsoft (US)

Biostimulants – nitrogen fixation, mycorrhiza, bio pesticides

Dr. Alok Adholeya, TERI-Deakin Nanobiotechnology Centre (IN)
Dr. Antoine Drevelle, Kapsera (FR)
Dr. Jonathan Gerbore, BIOVITIS (FR)
Dr. Wieland Reichelt, Evologic Technologies (AT)

Alternative protein sources – insects, bacteria, artificial meat and CO2utilization

Matt Ball, The Good Food Institute (US)
Leen Bastiaens, Vlemish Institute for Technological Research - VITO (BE)
Prof. Dr. Ir. Leen Van Campenhout, KU Leuven (BE)
David Wilco Drew, AgriProtein (ZA)
Lisa Dyson, Kiverdi (US)
Dr. Heiko Rischer, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (FI)
Hella Tokos, Ynsect (FR)
Pasi Vainikka, Solar Foods (FI)

Future of organic and smallholder farming

Julius Ecuru, BioInnovate Africa Programme (KE)
Rajnish Gupta, Tansa (ID/IN)
Björn Lagerman, FriBi Holding (SE)
Dr. Gero Leson, Dr. Bronner's (USA)

Biorefineries and Biotechnology

Bente Nersten, Borregaard (NO)
Samir Somaiya, Godavari Biorefineries (IN)
Elisabeth Stanger, Lenzing (AT)
Dr. Peter Welters, Phytowelt GreenTechnologies (DE)

Agriculture under extreme conditions (desert, ice, outer space) and in combination with solar energy

Joakim Hauge, The Sahara Forest Project (NO)
Christophe Lasseur, European Space Agency (NL)
Avner Shohet, Teshuva Agricultural Projects (TAP) (IL)
Max Trommsdorff, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE (DE)
Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Wageih, SEKEM Development Foundation (EG)
Dr. Wieger Wamelink (co-author Joep Frissel), Wageningen University & Research (NL)

Improved plant varieties for the future

Niels de Beus, nova-Institut (DE)
Jeremy Harbinson, Wageningen University & Research (NL)
Magnus Hertzberg, SweTree Technologies (SE)
Dr. Venkata Kishore, Bayer (NL)
Dr. Pia Skoczinski, nova-Institut (DE)

Home, urban and vertical farming

Timo Bongartz, OSRAM (DE)
Volkmar Keuter, Fraunhofer Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik UMSICHT (DE)
Mark Korzilius, Farmers Cut (DE)
Matthias Lepp, Click and Grow (EE)
Hiroumi Takahara, SPREAD (JP)
Martin Veenstra, Certhon (NL)

10 reasons to join the conference “Revolution in Food and Biomass Production”, 1-2 October 2018

Maritim Hotel Cologne, Germany, www.refab.info

++ Precision Farming ++ Biostimulants - agricultural probiotics ++ Urban and vertical farming ++ Agriculture under extreme conditions ++ Improved plant varieties ++ Alternative protein sources ++ Organic and small holder farming ++ Mariculture or marine farming ++ Biorefineries and Biotechnology ++

  • Meet at the conference: ++ AlgaePARC/Wageningen University (WUR) ++ Aquaponics Iberia ++ Association for Vertical Farming ++ BaFa Neu ++ Bayer ++ Bergischer Abfallwirtschaftsverband ++ BIO - Biotechnology Industry Organization ++ Bioeconomy Science Center c/o Forschungszentrum Jülich ++ BioInnovate Africa Programme ++ Biolchim SpA ++ BioPark Regensburg ++ BioSolar Cells ++ Biovitis ++ Boerenbond & Landelijke Gilden ++ Borregaard Lignotech ++ CLAAS E-Systems ++ C.A.R.M.E.N. ++ Cargill ++ Certhon ++ CLIB2021 ++ Click and Grow ++ Dr. Bronner’s Europe ++ Dr. Gupta Verlag ++ EABA - European Algae Biomass Association ++ EIT Food CLC Central ++ European Commission DG for Research & Innovation ++ European Space Agency ++ EuropaBio - The European Association for Bioindustries ++ European Biostimulant Industry Council (EBIC) ++ European Professional Beekeepers Association (e.p.b.a.) ++ Evologic Technologies ++ Evonik Nutrition & Care ++ Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe (FNR) ++ Farmers Cut GmbH ++ Finanzen Verlag ++ Flourish - Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems ++ Forschungszentrum Jülich ++ Fraunhofer Institut ++ Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE ++ FriBi Holding ++ Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) ++ Godavari Biorefineries Ltd. ++ Hempro International ++ IAR Association Industries & Agro-Ressources Cluster ++ InfraServ Knapsack KG ++ Innovation Norway ++ Insec Tec ++ K.J. Somaiya Institute of Applied Agricultural Research ++ Kapsera ++ Kiverdi ++ Klasmann-Deilmann ++ KU Leuven ++ Lenzing ++ LIBERTAS - Europaeisches Institut ++ LooBio Media ++ Maschinenfabrik Reinartz ++ Meo Carbon Solutions ++ Microsoft ++ Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute (NARI) ++ NMI - Natural and Medical Institut, University of Tübingen ++ Osram ++ Phytowelt GreenTechnologies ++ Pilot Pflanzenöltechnologie Magdeburg ++ Priva Horticulture BV ++ RIA NOVOSTI Deutschland ++ Royal DSM NV ++ Schweizer Agrarmedien AG ++ Seakura ++ SESVANDERHAVE nv ++ Smart Floating Farms ++ Soil & More Impacts ++ Solar Foods ++ SPREAD ++ SWARM Nutrition ++ SweTree Technologies ++ Tansa - Farmer of the Future ++ Tata Consultancy Services ++ Technologie- und Förderzentrum (TFZ) ++ TERI Deakin Nabiotechn. Centre ++ Teshuva Agricultural Projects ++ The Good Food Institute ++ The Sahara Forest Project ++ thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions ++ Toulouse White Biotechnology ++ TU Dresden ++ University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern ++ Universität Kassel – CESR ++ VITO ++ VTT ++ Ynsect ++ Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW

  • Special summer price until the 7th of September: 2 day ticket for only 600€ incl. Gala Dinner, for participants from developing countries and students: 520€ incl. Gala Dinner

  • 70 % of the participants are from the industry

  • Already 145 participants from 20 countries registered - 400 are expected

  • Face-to-Face meetings through the online match-making tool

  • 9 innovative pillars of Food and Biomass production in one conference programme creates business synergies

  • Exhibition with already 15 exhibitors

  • Cast your vote for the new “Future Protein Award” and enjoy the award ceremony at an atmospheric gala dinner in front of the impressing backdrop of the Rhine and the Cologne Cathedral

  • 54 top presentations

  • Media partnerships with already 15 established trade journals and research magazines

Register now here www.refab.info/registration!

See you at Maritim Hotel in Cologne.

Join the revolution, visit the conference, meet the leading entrepreneurs of the new industry!

See you in Cologne.

Kind regards,

Michael Carus
CEO nova-Institute