Square Roots Indoor Farm Opens At Gordon Food Service
September 30, 2019
An artist's rendering of the new Square Roots' indoor farm at Gordon Food Service, Wyoming, Mich.
( Courtesy Square Roots )
Square Roots is officially opening its newest indoor farm at the headquarters of Gordon Food Service in Wyoming, Mich.
Link To Facebook Video - Opening of Square Roots New Michigan Farm Campus
At a Sept. 30 ceremony, Square Roots celebrated the beginning of a strategic partnership with the food service company, with similar “farms” planned at or near other Gordon Food Service locations.
Square Roots’ indoor farms are cloud-connected, and the scalable farm-tech platforms allows the company to replicate the modules faster as it plans to expand.
Brian Mitchell, who most recently worked at an 87,000 square-foot indoor aquaponic facility in Minnesota, is the farm manager at the Gordon Food Service site. Assistant farm managers are Lauren Neigarth, a horticulture major from Michigan State University, and Eli Zimmer, from Square Roots’ Brooklyn, N.Y. facility.
Square Roots’ Next-Gen Farmer Training Program is “empowering thousands of next-gen leaders in urban farming,” according to a news release.
Thousands of people have applied to the training program, according to the release.
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