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3 Challenges of Vertical Farming And Their Solutions

The world is continuing to grow. By the year 2050, researchers estimate that there will be nearly 10 billion people on the planet. As the population increases, the demand for food and food security also increases


Source: Shannon Flynn, ReHack


The world is continuing to grow. By the year 2050, researchers estimate that there will be nearly 10 billion people on the planet. As the population increases, the demand for food and food security also increases. 

Traditional farming methods won’t be able to sustainably keep up with the necessary food production to feed the population. That’s why farmers and researchers have been developing new means of feeding people, especially in urban areas.

The advent of vertical farming has taken the agricultural industry by storm. Although it has proven to be beneficial to farmers and the environment alike, there are some challenges that vertical farmers face. Below are three challenges of vertical farming and their solutions. As long as the solutions are available, vertical farming can still be a reliable way to feed the population.

Vertical Farming Basics

Vertical farming takes traditional farming to new levels — literally. Instead of conventional horizontal, soil-based farming, vertical farming implements hydroponics into vertical buildings. Crops grow upwards instead of outwards.

The buildings use a combination of climate and light-controlled areas to grow the plants. It creates a perfect environment for plants to thrive. This type of farming is optimal in urban areas because it takes up much less space than a traditional farm.

Therefore, populations in cities and urban communities have the opportunity to get fresh produce a few blocks away from their homes. Since most of the world’s population will reside in urban areas, this provides greater food security for them.

 Vertical farming has evolved over the years to include more than just fruits and vegetables. Seafood producers wanted a more sustainable approach to seafood production, so they have also implemented vertical farming techniques. Seafoods like mussels, scallops, and seaweed grow vertically on ropes, which creates a more biodiverse and resilient seafood system.

Challenges of Vertical Farming and Their Solutions

Unfortunately, there are challenges that vertical farmers face that they must solve to meet those future food needs and to remain sustainable. Here are some of the challenges, along with potential solutions, of vertical farming.


Although vertical farms can go almost anywhere, farmers have to choose the correct location. If it’s too far from potential consumers, then it won’t be a lucrative business. One could have the best place, but if there isn’t a demand for food there, then they won’t be able to sell the produce. 

Plus, land in cities can be a bit more expensive. Smaller vertical farms have a more difficult time finding land they can afford, along with permits and insurance.

The solution is to research the considered location for a vertical farm. What kinds of food are the people there looking for? Can a vertical farm provide that for them? Will they be a loyal customer to the farm? Without a good location, a vertical farm won’t get far. Fundraising, loans, and grants are great options for farmers who may not have the funds for a location, too. 

Temperature and Humidity Control

The next challenge is temperature and humidity control. These two need to be spot on to produce vegetables and fruits. Managing them can take a while to overcome. Farmers often have to try various recipes of cooling, dehumidification and heating. Vertical farms are usually well-insulated, so when the weather gets warmer, the farmer must cool it and remove humidity.

Before installing an HVAC system, it’s wise to ask for professional help to know how large of a system will be needed for the building. This is the best solution to this challenge, and it will save a lot of headaches in the future.


Another challenge is ensuring proper management of the entire vertical farm. Many farmers who set out to start their industry in vertical farming rely on themselves and possibly a couple of other people to get all of the work done. Vertical farms attempt to do too many things simultaneously, like growing food and selling technology, and managing day-to-day tasks. 

New vertical farmers should focus on one thing, like growing food and selling it. This helps build a solid customer base. Choosing either growing and selling or developing technology so allows the farmer to put their best effort into it.

Farming of the Future

Vertical farming has become a popular solution to the growing problem of food security. However, there are challenges within the industry that must first be addressed and overcome to remain a sustainable business. These challenges and solutions are excellent learning tools to grow a thriving vertical farm.

Tags: Indoor & Vertical Farming, Processing & Supply Chain | Business Development, vertical farming

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Hydroponic Farming IGrow PreOwned Hydroponic Farming IGrow PreOwned

What Is Hydroponic Farming?

It is the process of growing crops with nutrient-rich water kept in contact with the plant roots without using soil. This process is touted to significantly reduce the risk of wastage and pollution that can harm the produce and cause diseases, making it popular to health-conscious consumers

Kemkar wants to make a difference through urban farming by introducing the technique of hydroponic farming to all so that they have access to grow their own vegetables at home.

Manjula Ramakrishnan, Gulf Today

The science of urban farming has become hugely popular in recent times and hydroponics is leading the way in this green revolution. Jui Kemkar, a passionate young entrepreneur with a quest to make a difference through urban farming co-founded Waves Enterprises with a vision to introduce the technique of hydroponic farming to all, such that they have access to grow their own vegetables at home.

“From residential balcony gardening, community farming, or indoor/outdoor commercial farming, hydroponic farming methods prove to be beneficial for all. Residential enthusiasts of hydroponics can grow herbs, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, cumbers, and even small plants or flowers in the comfort of their own homes,” explains Jui.

Jui’s impressive repertoire of work comprises humanitarian work in rural, urban farming projects in India and empowerment of women. It was when she moved from India to Dubai that she chose to promote hydroponic farming in order that healthy food supplies can either be grown by families in their own homes or produced by companies and supplied at affordable rates in the UAE.

Jui talks about her conviction that the future of farming lies in hydroponics.

What is hydroponic farming?

It is the process of growing crops with nutrient-rich water kept in contact with the plant roots without using soil. This process is touted to significantly reduce the risk of wastage and pollution that can harm the produce and cause diseases, making it popular to health-conscious consumers. This method saves up to 70 percent of water while allowing for a longer growing season and avoiding harmful chemicals.

 Jui Kemkar, co-founder of Waves Enterprises.

How suitable is this for Middle East consumers?

The extreme climatic conditions and limited agricultural land availability in the Middle East makes hydroponic farming an excellent agro-solution as it increases farming capability. The absence of soil in the growing process makes it conducive for this method of growth to be used in an indoor or outdoor setting.

Can you explain the actual process behind this?

Plant growth happens through a combination of water, sunlight, carbon dioxide, and mineral nutrients. In traditional farming, these nutrients are derived from the soil. Through photosynthesis, plants transform light energy into chemical energy to form sugars that allow them to grow and sustain themselves. This is the basic premise behind hydroponics where all the elements required for plant growth are the same as with traditional soil-based gardening but only taking away the soil requirements, hence making it convenient to perform the farming process anywhere within a controlled environment.

What are the advantages of this kind of farming?

For one, plants can grow both indoor and outdoor and there is growth observed throughout the year. There is complete control over the nutrient balance with a proven technology that ensures high yield. Research shows that growth is faster with hydroponics and 70 percent less water is consumed in the farming process. No harmful contents enter the plant, as no soil or fertilizer or other harmful chemicals are used. The overall economy of a nation will benefit by promoting local farming and reducing the import of vegetables from other countries.

How affordable is this type of farming?

Residential setups are affordable and can be customized to individual budgets; however, commercial farms can be expensive depending on the extent of growth required. But despite the heavy investments for commercial set-ups, profits of up to 60 percent or more are visible in a short period of time. Profits will vary and depend largely on the type of crop cultivated. For example, due to low operational costs, green leafy vegetables yield more profits.

What kind of environment protection does this offer?

As global warming becomes a bigger issue for the world, there is a constant need for better ways to cut down on CO2 emissions to help the environment thrive. Perhaps one of the greatest ways countries can cut back on harmful greenhouse gasses is through examining how they produce and distribute their food supply. Hydroponic growing has numerous possibilities to produce larger, better-tasting vegetables. This method of growth uses less land, 70 percent less water, and minimum to no use of pesticides or herbicides.

Due to controlled growing environment, growth is possible in all types of climatic conditions.   Dry and arid climates are not conducive to the growth of berries, bananas, and citrus fruits; however, one country was able to successfully adopt the hydroponic growing process on a large scale. The produce was grown in 40ft large containers and transported to consumer markets for sale.

What is the future of hydroponic farming?

Hydroponics is the fastest growing sector of agriculture, and it could very well dominate food production in the future. As population increases and agricultural land declines due to poor land management, people will turn to new technologies like hydroponics and vertical farming to create additional channels of crop production.

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