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Zero Hunger, Sustainability IGrow PreOwned Zero Hunger, Sustainability IGrow PreOwned

Skyfarms - U.S. - Seed To Sky - The Way To Zero Hunger

The challenge: Zero Hunger. The opportunity: A $15B market, 60% increase in food production to feed a growing population, most which are living in urban areas with no access to local food, and 80% of agriculture pursuing SMART upgrades in farming.

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When we didn’t have enough money to buy food we grew it. But why in a world, where we produce enough food to feed 10B, do 1/3 go hungry and 1/3 are obese? Almost 1/3 is lost or wasted, or given to livestock.

The UN decided to tackle this challenge by declaring in 2001 in the Millenium Sustainable Development Goals that we had the technology and resources to end hunger.  A greater focus on farming was on the rise.  Then in 2015 the Sustainable Development Goals decided we had reached the moment where by 2030 we would reach Zero Hunger.  

Additionally, plant-based diets are being recommended by health professionals around the world as a way for us to sustain ourselves as a whole population.  And ever since we have been teaching and talking to anyone who wanted to know more about agriculture.  

After working with a CEO of a $4B Fortune 500 company for a year, our founder decided it was time to take matters into his own hands and launch an agriculture movement.  Getting back to his sustainable roots, the founder pursued a vision that was ahead of its time but is finally now in fashion.  This came with challenges as the AgTech and Smart Farming market was unknown and has just reached its tipping point in 2018.  Vertical growing, and growing in soilless mediums in any location, at anytime, would be the way we could grow food on every corner, but required better incentives for regular citizens to become stakeholders in the food production, distribution and consumption.

It once was said, ”let thy food be thy medicine.”  And rightfully so.  It not only provides us energy, but catapults entire civilisations and controls populations.  Historically, the agrarian age brought about writing, money, roads, laws, and society as we know it.  

Food is such an intrinsic part of survival so the people who owned the food became kings, but then resources of the many began to flow to the few.  And its been that way ever since.  It’s time to democratise, empathise and re-civilise through food distribution, and disruption.  

The challenge: Zero Hunger. The opportunity: A $15B market, 60% increase in food production to feed a growing population, most which are living in urban areas with no access to local food, and 80% of agriculture pursuing SMART upgrades in farming.

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SkyFarms - US Logo.png
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