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Edmonton Startup’s Simulated Sunlight Aims To Help Producers Grow More Food With Less Energy

This “Engineered Sunlight™” is at the heart of a food security revolution aimed at finding ways to produce more food with less energy, often in extreme settings

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MAY 17, 2021

Sunlight, water and nutrients, in varying degrees depending on the plant, are the foundation of all plant life, but if you want to see them really grow, one University of Alberta graduate says threaten them with a little shade.

Michael Taschuk

Michael Taschuk, the founder of G2V Optics, explained plants growing in a field are always competing with each other for sunlight, so if a neighbour starts growing over them, plants can actually “see” this optically.

“There’s a change in the quality of the red light that they observe, so they will grow taller and they will grow bigger,” said Taschuk.

“That’s what we do with our lighting—we can mimic that light that they would interpret as shading so that they grow bigger.”

This “Engineered Sunlight™” is at the heart of a food security revolution aimed at finding ways to produce more food with less energy, often in extreme settings.

And not unlike the plants they grow, it is a crowded field of scientists hunting for the next breakthrough.

Innovation rooted in U of A research

That’s why Taschuk and his G2V team have never strayed very far from their U of A roots.

Taschuk, who spent 20 years moving from undergrad to PhD being trained as an optics and electronics researcher, previously collaborated with engineering professor Mike Brett and chemistry professor Jillian Buriak, who holds the Canada Research Chair in Nanomaterials for Energy, to build organic photovoltaic devices. 

“Through the course of that collaboration, it became clear that there was an opportunity as LEDs developed to mimic sunlight really precisely, and then make a really good test instrument for the work that Jillian and her group were doing around solar cells,” said Taschuk.

“There are colours beyond what humans can see, both in the ultraviolet and into the infrared, which solar cells and plants care about.”

More recently, Taschuk joined forces with R. Glen Uhrig, a plant functional genomics professor in the Faculty of Science, who is studying the interaction of plants and light.

And like the first collaboration that helped launch G2V, Uhrig made an immediate impact.

“Glen took a look at our lights and found a mechanism to decrease the energy costs by 30 per cent,” said Taschuk. “Plants grow 30 per cent better if you get the lighting right.

“This is just game-changing for vertical farms, or indoor farming under controlled environment agriculture, as you can imagine.

“Without any additional inputs, we were getting 30 per cent more plant yield.”

Now, G2V Optics and the Uhrig Lab have been awarded a joint Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada Alliance grant and an Alberta Innovates Campus Alberta Small Business Engagement grant totalling $720,000 over two years to research light’s impact on the genetic response and phenotype of horticulturally relevant plants.

University of Alberta Release. This material comes from the originating organization and may be of a point-in-time nature, edited for clarity, style and length. View in full here.

Tags:Agriculture, breakthrough, business, Canada, Engineering, environment, genomics, innovation, Professor, research, Scientists, security, Small Business, ultraviolet, university, University of Alberta

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4 Common Microgreen Problems: How to Effectively Troubleshoot Them

This article will provide you with 4 ways to troubleshoot common microgreen problems so you can make the necessary changes in order to optimize your plant’s growth

Growing microgreens is typically a simple and efficient process; however, issues can arise while growing these tiny leafy vegetables. This article will provide you with 4 ways to troubleshoot common microgreen problems so you can make the necessary changes in order to optimize your plant’s growth.

What to do if your seeds aren’t germinating

If your microgreen seeds aren’t germinating, then take a look at the following factors to see if any of these may be the reason as to why your seeds aren’t germinating:

Seed Viability

- Check the seed’s informational packet information and you will be able to find the lot date, the ideal temperature for germination, and the average percentage of germination. If your seed has a germination rate below 80%, then it may be better to choose a different seed or seed source.

Seed Moisture

- During the germination phase, you’ll want to make sure your seed is watered, but not overwatered or underwatered. Underwatering your seed can cause microgreen problems and is more detrimental than overwatering. Keep your soil moist during the early stages of germination to optimize growth. Seed Temperature - Make sure that the temperature is not too hot or cold because it can lead to microgreen problems such as poor germination. Refer to your seed packet to check the seed’s ideal temperature and make sure to keep the temperature around that number to encourage growth.

What to do if your seeds are growing unevenly and sparsely

If your microgreens are growing unevenly, then you may need to be more methodical in your process. Make sure that you are sowing your seeds evenly throughout the soil. Check to see if the soil is good quality and research to see if it’s a match for your specific seed. Is your tray in a place where half of the tray is getting sunlight and the other half isn’t? This can lead to uneven growth and you may want to rotate your tray to ensure each side is getting equal amounts of shade and sunlight.

What to do if your greens start to rot

If your greens start to rot, you may be overwatering them. When a seed is getting too much water and not enough sunlight, it can lead to rot. If you’re having extremely sunny weather, water your seed once in the morning and once in the evening. If a cold front has moved in, then water your crop once.

Another factor that could be causing your microgreen rot problem is the water quality. Municipal water can contain chlorine which your plants won’t like. Using filtered water is a better solution for watering microgreens. Common microgreens prefer water with a pH level of 6.5. When you keep an eye on your water’s pH levels, your microgreens will be healthier and produce stronger, increased yields.

What to do if your greens are getting tall and weedy

If your greens are getting tall and weedy, then it’s most likely because they’re not getting enough light. Tall, weedy greens tend to grow taller in order to reach for as much light as possible because they’re not getting enough. Make sure to get your greens grow lights if you live in an area where natural sunlight isn’t enough for your greens.

These common microgreen problems are easy to fix as long as you know what to pay attention to. Our job at the Nick Greens Grow Team is to educate our followers on how to grow microgreens from home. Subscribe to our new microgreen class, YouTube, and blog to stay up to date with the latest microgreen information. Feel free to join our microgreen Facebook group to connect and learn from others about growing microgreens.

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