The Technology of Berries

High-tech strawberries are flourishing in Paris. French urban tech farming start-up Agricool has just picked up a cool €25m to grow more fruit. It plans to use the cash to establish more growing operations in the centre of Paris and to expand across France, as well as to launch in Dubai.

Argricool has been using old shipping containers in the heart of Paris to grow its produce. There’s no pesticide use and the method requires 90% less water and nutrients than regular strawberry rearing. It also leans solely on renewable energy.

The outfit claims it is 120 times more productive than conventional farming. Its output is currently available in four supermarkets in the French capital and in one on the outskirts.

Container farms are sprouting everywhere right now. One high-profile venture is Square Roots operated by Kimbal Musk – brother of Elon – which propagates fresh herbs for stores across New York City. The company has just launched new packaging featuring a QR code which unlocks the story of how and where the food item was grown. The goal is to boost food supply chain transparency.


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