Three Cyclist From Paris Bike 2000 Miles Visiting 60 Urban Farms
Linked by Michael Levenston
L'Equipe Agrovelocity Visit City Farmer from Michael Levenston on Vimeo.
Adèle, Audrey, and Mathilde from L’Equipe Agrovelocity Visit Urban Farms on the West Coast of North America from April to mid-August 2018
Aged of 22 years old, Audrey Rague, Adèle Maury and Mathilde Negri gather around a mutual interest for sustainable food supply, environment and the futures of agriculture. Inspired by the project Agrovélocités and Agrovelocity East Coast and in collaboration with their funders, they decided to continue AgroVeloCity together.
“We are three French students from Paris Institute of Life Science, and we are doing a project to see urban farms all the way of the west coast of the U.S., and we will be in Vancouver between the 3rd of August to the 10th!
Voici une petite vidéo sur l’agriculture urbaine à Los Angeles et les merveilleuses rencontres que nous avons faites avec les acteurs de la ville !
We are in partnership with the team of researchers from our university in Paris and we are doing report, videos, and social media like Instagram, facebook. We already visit more than 60 urban farms and community gardens in San Diego, Los Angeles, Sacramento, in the Bay area, Portland, and Seattle. And we go everywhere by bike!
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