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Why Hydroponic Grow Boxes Are The Future Of Growing

Why Hydroponic Grow Boxes Are The Future Of Growing

From the time I start writing this article to the time I finish the world's population will have increased by approximately 10,000 people. That not only means 10,000 more mouths to feed. It also means a decrease in the space that we have left on this earth. 

There is no denying that the worlds increasing population is putting pressure on food supplies and available living and agriculture spaces. A decrease in growing spaces means a decrease in area for farms and agriculture to produce food for the world's population creating a vicious cycle that only leads to a more difficult problem to solve. 

But what if everyone could produce their own food? A world where everyone produces the food that they eat within their own living space means there would be no need for massive agricultural spaces. We could then use those previous agricultural spaces for additional living space or natural reserves. What’s the most exciting part? This isn’t just a fantasy.

A hydroponic system means growing in an entirely water-based system instead of the traditional soil-based system. If you live in a high rise apartment in the middle of downtown Toronto, New York, Tokyo or any large urban center then growing your own food with soil isn’t a very viable option. Furthermore, even if you could have a room full of soil in your apartment you still might not have the horticultural touch to grow your own food. But luckily there is an answer. 

Fully automated hydroponic grow boxes allow their users to grow their own food in their house without having to constantly tend to their crop like a farmer. The Canadian-based Company Grobo has created a hydroponic grow box that constantly monitors and adjusts its own ecosystem’s lighting, EC and pH levels.

Hydroponic grow boxes are launching us towards a world where traditional farming and agricultural systems are merely a memory. Each person can grow their own fresh food from the comfort of their own home. I’m excited to live in a world where I can grow my own strawberries, tomatoes, and lettuce while sitting in my apartment watching TV or playing baseball at the park.

Now that’s smart farming!