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ACTX Modular Hydroponic Farms Available To Universities For Research And Education


Advanced Container Technologies, Inc.

May 03, 2023

GrowPods are ideal for higher education learning about Controlled Environment Agriculture and Farming

CORONA, Calif., May 3, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Advanced Container Technologies, Inc (Ticker: ACTX), announced that GrowPods - innovative modular hydroponic farms – are available to colleges and universities for research and educational purposes.

Universities are at the forefront of innovation, and schools across the nation are rapidly opening or expanding their agricultural departments with Controlled Environment Farms.

Auburn University is focused on improving vegetable production in controlled environments. Through research and teaching programs, the team at Auburn is helping to develop urban agriculture systems and train the next generation of controlled environment experts as the sector continues to expand into the southeast.

Purdue University now has an entire department dedicated to studying Controlled Environment Farming. As does Cornell, who said that certain sectors of the agricultural industry face increasingly difficult economic outlooks, but diversification with Controlled Environment Farms can improve the economic stability of small farmers. At North Carolina State University, they are researching matching the lighting spectrum to different plant growth stages to improve lettuce growth and quality. And Northern Michigan University is offering Bachelor's degrees in Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA).

Many other universities are also involved with CEA, including the University of ArizonaUCDavis, and Texas A&M.

One of the biggest benefits to Controlled Environment Farming is that it's not dependent on the weather – so you can achieve consistent year-round crop production without the impact adverse weather conditions can have both on quality and yield. Farming in a protected and managed environment provides growers repeatable, consistent production.

CEA can also reduce harvest times and improve volume without compromising on flavor or quality. This allows commercial growers to confidently commit to delivery schedules year-round.

Doug Heldoorn, CEO of Advanced Container Technologies, said he looks forward to working with colleges and universities to help them implement or improve their Controlled Environment Agriculture centers.

"Our modular hydroponic farms are some of the best on the market, and have been improved through the years to provide optimum technology and affordability," he said. "And with our centers in Oklahoma and California, we are strategically located to offer 1-day service and training to virtually the entire nation."

For more information on Advanced Container Technologies or GrowPods, call: (951) 381-2555 or visit: www.advancedcontainertechnologies.com.

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This press release contains forward-looking statements made under the "safe harbor" provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-Looking Statements about ACTX' beliefs and expectations involve inherent risks and uncertainties, and a number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement. ACTX undertakes no duty to update any forward-looking statements or information, except as required under applicable law.

SOURCE Advanced Container Technologies, Inc.