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There’s Never Been A Better Time To Start A Hydroponic Farm

16 Reasons to Start Container Farming

Start container farming for yourself.

1. Be your own boss

Being your own boss is a liberating experience that allows you to pursue your career on your own terms. Take matters into your own hands to achieve the goals that matter to you and create your hydroponic farming business to mirror your interests and passions. Along the way, you’ll learn about everything from time-management skills to optimizing your kale yields. Get inspiration from DeMario Vitalis, one of our Freight Farmers, who left his corporate job in the pursuit of independence.

2. Create your ideal work-life balance

As we continue to navigate a pandemic, chances are that you’re currently either working remotely 100% of the time or trying to balance a hybrid schedule. As dining tables have turned into conference rooms, chinos have been replaced with sweatpants, and we’ve completely forgotten what it’s like to take a break for a water cooler conversation with coworkers, maintaining a work-life balance has become more challenging than ever before, resulting in a rise in burnout and stress.

By contrast, operating a Greenery™ S farm requires approximately 20 hours per week, meaning you can schedule your work around your home life — not the other way around. Plus, for those of us still stuck working remotely, the farm is a welcome break from the four walls of our homes.

3. Get up from your “desk”

Regardless of where your desk (or “desk,” for those of us working from the kitchen counter, couch, floor, even bathroom) may be, sitting all day is bad for you. The American Heart Association has linked diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer to prolonged sitting! Not good at all. Our farmers are luckier than most, since they spend at least 20 hours a week on their feet while doing light active work in the farm.

4. Accomplish something every day

After spending close to two years at home, we’re all looking for something to conquer. The need for accomplishments is tied to the fact that successes, no matter how small, trigger the release of dopamine in the brain, leading to feelings of pleasure and motivation. Farming in the Greenery S involves a multitude of small, tangible accomplishments everyday — seeding, transplanting, harvesting, cleaning — making you excited to come back and do more.

5. Work with your hands

Working with your hands can do wonders for your emotional health. It has the power to increase happiness by promoting feelings of vitality and effectiveness. This, in turn, can reduce stress and depression and relieve anxiety. Farming in the Greenery S involves hours of calm and methodical hands-on work, providing you with these benefits every day.

Start container farming for your community.

6. Engage and change your community

There’s something about food that brings people together! The Greenery S is a new and exciting technology that will pique people’s interest and encourage them to learn more about you, your business, and hydroponic farming. Engage your friends and neighbors with a delicious alternative to unappetizing, limp factory-farmed greens from the grocery store.

7. Provide a source of fresh local food

Consumers love local goods. Recent studies have shown that COVID-19 only increased commitment to buying local. One 2021 survey of Americans found that 25% made an effort to buy from local farmers over the last year. Make it easy for your neighbors to eat healthy and buy local by providing them with fresh produce year-round from your container farm.

Photo courtesy of Lotus House

“As soon as someone tastes our greens, it’s instant enthusiasm and some recognition that we are farming, albeit modernly.”

— Brittany Moreland, Elevated Harvest

8. Be an oasis in a food desert

A food desert is an area where residents are unable to access fresh fruit, vegetables, and other whole foods. They are commonly found in impoverished areas of the country due to the lack of grocery stores, farmers markets, or healthy food providers in the area. A Greenery S is an excellent way to provide nutritious options to underserved urban or rural areas year-round. Check out Lotus House in Miami for a great example.

9. Provide a safe source of greens

One salmonella outbreak in 2021 linked to leafy greens. Three lettuce recalls in 2020, two in 2019, and four in 2018. This leaves people sick and scared to shop at grocery stores for fear of feeding themselves and their families contaminated greens. Here is just one heartbreaking story on the devastating effects of E. coli and the lack of food safety in the industry. Container farming creates greater traceability, making it easy for people to know where the greens came from and if they’re safe to eat. This has become even more important for consumers through the pandemic, with 58% saying their attention to the origin of their food has increased.

Start container farming for others.

10. Create a therapeutic environment

While horticultural therapy has been practiced for millennia (even the Ancient Greeks believed in plants’ healing powers), it experienced a revival in the 19th century and is currently utilized as a therapeutic method for helping youth and adults who are at-risk or mentally ill. Today, we have farmers working to help veterans with PTSD, adults with autism, and people with histories of substance abuse. These communities can benefit from the many physical and emotional benefits of farming mentioned above, such as working with your hands, accomplishing tasks, and working toward a meaningful goal. Read more about the benefits of integrating plants into everyday life.

11. Save water

Traditional farming requires an incredible amount of water: globally, 70% of fresh water goes toward agriculture, and just one head of traditionally grown lettuce requires about 3.75 gallons of water. By comparison, a full head of lettuce grown hydroponically in our container farm uses only 0.1 gallons of water, contributing to the fact that our farms use 99% less water than traditional agriculture. The Greenery S also creates no run-off, which protects the surrounding landscape and water sources from being contaminated — a common issue with traditional farming methods.

12. Empower future leaders

What farmers like Town to Table, schools like Saint Joseph’s College of Maine, and nonprofits like the Boys & Girls Club have in common is that all use their farms to inspire young people to get involved with farming and sustainability. These farms are changing their communities and the food landscape. Regardless of your project, you can inspire those around you to become leaders in agriculture and sustainability.

“We must start with the younger generation, and they do show an interest. When I am working in the farm, students stop by all the time and ask how things are growing.”

— Kevin Gibbons, Chef at UMASS Dartmouth

Some practical reasons to start container farming.

13. Always essential

As a self-employed farmer, you are not at risk of being laid off or being made obsolete. And as a food provider, you will always be an essential business. People always need to eat, and you’ll be a consistent source of food for them.

14. Make money

While we’ve talked about several valuable reasons to start container farming in 2022, we have yet to discuss your money-making opportunities. The Greenery S is optimized to grow lettuces, leafy greens, herbs, and small root veggies. While all greens can be profitable, those grown inside our farms are clean, pesticide-free, and available year-round in any climate. These factors help many of our farmers command premium prices, especially in direct-to-consumer sales channels like farmers’ markets or CSAs.

15. Corner a winter market

Aside from growing high-value plants, the Greenery S gives your venture an added advantage of being season-agnostic. Grow warm weather plants year-round in all climate conditions thanks to the insulated container and the controlled-environment technology built into the farm. By having a consistent yearly supply, you can negotiate higher prices when selling out of season.

16. Pay less in taxes

Like other farming equipment, the Greenery S qualifies as a “single-purpose horticultural structure” under Section 179 of the US IRS tax code. This means you can deduct the full cost of the container farm from your annual taxable income, saving $8.5-$30k (depending on your income tax bracket).

One final note: Not only do you have the best technology available to you, but you also have the support of our whole team here at Freight Farms. We can help you find a farm site, develop a marketing plan, and troubleshoot any problems that arise. We founded Freight Farms with the belief that, with the right tools, anyone can become a farmer — you included! 

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