Reflecting on our journey from reclaimed shipping containers to bustling vertical farms, it's remarkable to see how far we've come. In August 2022, we built out our first layer of farms on our current location, followed swiftly by the addition of a second-story deck in September. By October, we reached new heights with the installation of our second-story stacked farms! This vertical approach not only maximizes space but exemplifies the efficiency of urban farming.

With 20 containers housing between 3,000 to 4,000 plant sites each, our farm stands as a testament to the potential of sustainable agriculture in urban landscapes. Today, our harvest yields over 3,500 pounds of crisp lettuce and vibrant microgreens per week, nourishing our community and showcasing the immense value of urban farms. As we continue to grow, we remain committed to pushing the boundaries of possibility and cultivating a greener, healthier future for Tampa Bay and beyond.


USA - RHODE ISLAND: Cumberland High School Grows Its Own Greens For School Lunches District-Wide


Farm Provides Fresh Produce To Community