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"We Try To Give All of Our Customers A Farm That Suits Their Needs" - FarmBox Inc:

“We believe the future lies in safe, fresh food produced locally to decrease food miles. That is why we turned to urban vertical farming, intending to cater to this sector by providing a platform,” Amir Imam, CEO of FarmBox Inc. states.

Doing so by producing safe, healthy, nutritious, and fresh food that helps the community, especially in harsh climates. FarmBox, a Canada-based agtech, provides customizable plug-and-play farms made from refurbished shipping containers and recycled plastic.

Customized farms
Amir continues, “We try to give all of our customers a farm that suits their needs. All of them are powered by AI and are equipped with remote monitoring systems and IoT, thus providing all the technology needed to run the farms optimally. Regardless of the weather, or of how often customers can actually be present in the farm, the systems in place will make sure everything will run smoothly.”

With the help of these monitoring systems, AI can determine the optimal lighting, temperature, and nutrition for the plants and thus increase yields, and can deduct anomalies before they do any serious damage. Of course, something can go wrong anywhere, but if it does, there will be a team of experts ready to assist.

Read the complete article at: Vertical Farm Daily