News About Farming in a Shipping Container

Water’s Journey: Inside a Hydroponic Container Farm

In this blog, we’ll describe the journey that water takes through a hydroponic system like ours, from the second it enters the unit to the minute it exits.

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How Container Farming Benefits Correctional Facilities

Hydroponic container farms offer a unique solution by providing inmates with hands-on training in an engaging and therapeutic environment. This blog explores how this sustainable and efficient farming technique can contribute to breaking the cycle of recidivism

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How Container Farming Benefits Correctional Facilities

Container farming is an innovative farming method with tremendous potential for addressing various challenges, including reducing recidivism rates in correctional facilities. Recidivism, the tendency of individuals to relapse into criminal behavior after release

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How A Container Farm Will Benefit Your School Farming Program

School gardens teach students how to grow fresh, nutritious produce and help them develop healthy eating habits. Some school farming programs are forgoing traditional gardens for enclosed hydroponic shipping container farms (HSCFs)

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