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Techstars Alabama EnergyTech Startup Spotlight: Shipshape Urban Farms

By Alabama News Center Staff

November 23, 2022

The co-founders of Shipshape Urban Farms are, from left, Marcia Shuffman, Emanuel Campbell, Angela Speetjens and Dale Speetjens. (contributed)

The Techstars Alabama EnergyTech Accelerator is in its third year with 10 startups from Alabama, other states and even other countries. Alabama NewsCenter is putting a spotlight on all the companies in the 2022 class.

In this Startup Spotlight, we look at Shipshape Urban Farms.

Techstars Alabama EnergyTech Accelerator 2022: Shipshape Urban Farms from Alabama NewsCenter on Vimeo.

Company: Shipshape Urban Farms

Company Hometown: Mobile

Leadership: Founders Dale Speetjens, Angela Speetjens, Marcia Schuffman and Emanuel Campbell

Alabama NewsCenter: What is your company’s overall focus and mission?

Shipshape Urban Farms: Shipshape designs and manufactures modular, hydroponic farms that make fresh vegetables accessible in markets year-round. Shipshape training allows urban “agripreneurs” to produce 5.1 acres of crops within a 500-square-foot “Smart Farm” that is digitally and automatically controlled via the “Digital Farmer” app. Shipshape provides continued support through ongoing training, data analysis, systems performance reporting and monthly supplies. Shipshape is your smart energy partner for profitable, modular, controlled-environment agriculture.

ANC: What inspired you to start this company? How do you want to contribute to the future of energy and tech?

Shipshape: While working on his master’s degree at Auburn University, Dale proposed a pop-up downtown around an old railroad line including shops, restaurants, hydroponic farms and other entrepreneurial incubation spaces built out of shipping containers in the West End near the Birmingham CrossPlex. This project inspired Dale and Angela to design an urban hydroponic farm in downtown Mobile. Their original design utilized up-cycled shipping containers to house the hydroponic farms, but has since evolved into the modular container gardens they build today with their partner, BLOX. We want to improve the energy efficiency of controlled environment agriculture with the help of Alabama Power, and the patented energy capture technology developed by Dale and Angela.

ANC: What attracted you to the Techstars Alabama EnergyTech Accelerator?

Shipshape: Techstars is the gold stamp of approval for entrepreneurs. The Shipshape team knew that attending this program would provide invaluable mentorship, partnerships and potential funding to grow the company. After interviewing, it was abundantly clear that Nate Schmidt and his supporting team are exceptional individuals with so much to offer.

ANC: What is the No. 1 thing you would like potential investors to understand about your company?

Shipshape: We can build a distributive network of profitable, modular, controlled-environment hydroponic farms at an economy of scale due to our manufacturing partner BLOX. This allows Shipshape to increase freshness and quality of crops while reducing the distances it has to travel to get to your plate.

ANC: What takeaways do you hope to gain for your company by participating in the Techstars Alabama EnergyTech Accelerator?

Shipshape: We hope to gain a better understanding of our market, develop a circle of lifelong mentors and advisors, and learn how to craft a meaningful company culture.

ANC: What is your opinion of Birmingham so far?

Shipshape: Birmingham is a great place to live, and we are happy to call it home. We love the lively downtown, restaurants, breweries and parks. We also love that Birmingham celebrates entrepreneurs and fosters innovation.

You can find Shipshape Urban Farms online at shipshapeurbanfarms.com and on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.

Alabama NewsCenter is highlighting the 2022 Class of startups participating in the Techstars Alabama EnergyTech Accelerator. Learn more about Techstars here.