Turkey: Three New Facilities On The Books, With Two Inside The Country’s Largest Shopping Malls

“We’ll be establishing two new facilities within two years. Both farms will be built inside large shopping malls based in İstanbul,” says Halil Beşkardeşler, CEO and co-founder of Plant Factory. Besides creating two new facilities, the company is aiming to strengthen its production capacity and R&D efforts through these new projects.

Plant Factory Turkey is an agtech company based in Istanbul, Turkey. Recently, the company bagged 2 million euros in funding. As a result of the investment, the company will be constructing two new facilities to commercialize its products and improve R&D processes. The first one is Plant Factory’s first and second production facility in Istanbul, based in the city’s most popular shopping malls. Secondly, the company will activate its new R&D facility in Gebze Technical University.

Farm inside a shopping mall In total, 2,800 crops will be grown per day in the new 1100m2 new farm, with a 500m2 production area. The new farm includes two climate chambers where the team will grow four types of lettuce: chard, kale, pak choi, mizuna, and two types of basil. The crops are based on the requirements B2B and B2C channel based in the mall.

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