Federal Funding Opportunities For Indoor Agriculture: A Comprehensive Guide For Entrepreneurs And Organizations

August 7, 2023

As an emerging and innovative approach to farming, indoor agriculture is receiving more and more focus. It offers a way to grow crops year-round, reduce water usage, and minimize the need for pesticides and herbicides.

However, starting an indoor agriculture project can be expensive, and many potential entrepreneurs and organizations struggle to find the necessary funding to get their projects off the ground. Fortunately, there are a variety of federal funding opportunities available for indoor agriculture projects, ranging from grants to loans and tax incentives.

Unfortunately, because the field is still emerging, it can be very challenging to find federal funding opportunities which specifically call out "greenhouses" or "indoor agriculture." This makes finding funding challenging (particularly grant funding) and means that applications for funding will need to align with other government priorities like transitioning to renewable energy or improving social justice.

Read the entire article at Vertical Farm Daily

For more information:
Ceres Greenhouse Solutions


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