News About Farming in Shipping Containers & Limited Indoor Spaces
20 Benefits of Hydroponic Farming
Hydroponic farming saves limited arable land by growing 4x the number of plants that can be grown in the same space as conventional farming
Russian Scientists Intend To Grow Vegetables In Antarctica
Researchers at the Vostok Antarctic base intend to grow watermelons and cucumbers this year, as reported by the Institute of Arctic and Antarctic Studies (AARI by its acronym in Russian)
London - United Kingdom - Crate to Plate
We thought we'd give you a look inside our Kentish Town Farm to see what we have growing right now
USA: North Carolina - Small But Mighty: 4 Things To Know About Wilmington-Grown Microgreens
When he started his business in 2016, he was growing microgreens in a townhouse. Now he has a shipping container for microgreens on the property he farms in Castle Hayne
Indoor Pod Garden Aims To Improve Fernie’s Food
WildSight Elk Valley is looking to bolster local food production with a container farm project on the horizon
Ultimate Guide To Shipping Container Farms
The idea of using cargo containers for farming has already been explored by inventive companies like Ikea and researcher groups like the MIT Media Lab
UK: Vertically Urban And LettUs Grow Partner With University of York
Housed in one of LettUs Grow's state-of-the-art DROP & GROW™ container farms, Grow It York sits at the heart of the city as part of an outdoor community space called SPARK
Tomato Hydroponic System To Make Debut At Fruit Logistica, Berlin
The focus of the Tomato+ stand is Horto Professional, the vertical farming system for professional farming. Horto Professional takes up the space of a container and only requires a connection to the water and electricity network
VIDEO: Freight Farm Improves Access To Fresh Produce In A Community of Central Florida
AdventHealth is the first hospital in Central Florida to have an agricultural program. In 2022, AdventHealth developed a unique freight farm, improving the access to fresh produce in Central Florida
VIDEO: US - COLORADO: Shipping Container Farming Creating Opportunity To Grow Anything Anywhere At Anytime
Ullr's Garden is a brand-new business growing the equivalent of a 10-acre farm inside two shipping containers in the heart of downtown Denver
US: Colorado Springs, Colorado: Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Expands Shipping Container Farming With New Upright Hydroponic Grow System
In July 2021, the Zoo established its first shipping container farm, and this second farm is a continuation of the horticulture team’s testing phase
A Caribbean Resort Tackles Food Waste (And Grows Greens)
Using a Freight Farms hydroponic modular container, the resort will use it to grow certain types of lettuce, leafy greens and microgreens
USA: MINNESOTA - The Future of Vegetable Farming Has Arrived In Wykoff
According to Freight Farms, the annual harvest is 2-6 tons. The equivalent land yield is 2-4 acres annually, and the power usage is on average 168-231 kWh per day
Southall, Franklin, Tennessee's Destination-Defining Luxury Farm-Based Resort, Opens Its Doors
The Idyllic Escape Set Amidst the Rolling Hills of Middle Tennessee Set to Showcase the Simple Luxuries of Living Off the Land
VIDEO: Two Colorado Companies Are Collaborating In Innovative Reforestation Techniques
FarmBox Foods, a company that makes modified shipping containers to grow food, is partnering with CORE Electric Cooperative to grow trees from seed to sapling using a unique and innovative technique called vertical hydroponic farming
LettUs Grow Delivers First of It's Vertical Farms In A Shipping Container
The first Drop and Grow aeroponic container farms have been rolled out to a client by Bristol-based vertical farming company Lettus Grow and Walsall-based shipping containers business S Jones Containers, after a government grant helped them develop the innovation
Climate Change Outside Pushes Veggie Crops Inside
These days, there are more than 2,000 vertical farms in the US, and many have opted to move their technologies, micro-climates and crop stacks into insulated, shipping container-size modules
VIDEO: USA - NEBRASKA - MCC Prepares For Launch of ‘Freight Farm’
The Freight Farm is a 320-square-foot shipping container that’s being converted into a vertical climate-controlled farm that will run on solar power
PODCAST: Episode 278: Rick Vanzura - CEO, Freight Farms
In this episode of our podcast, we cover: All the information on Freight Farms in terms of how their container farms work, plus details on the company’s business model which includes hardware, software, and services
GrowPods From ACTX Can Help Reduce Environmental Impact of Conventional Farming
Controlled environment farms can provide a variety of benefits, including better nutritional values and elimination of pesticides and herbicides