Aquaponix, The Evolution of Aquaponic Crops

264 Thousand Lettuce Heads a Year Every 1000 sq m

Aquaponix (registered trademark) was one of the innovations presented at Novel Farm in Pordenone (click here for the photo gallery). It enables to grow vegetables, aromatic plants and flowers using aquaculture with fish swimming in the same tank. Promoters ensure it is a revolutionary system that can be adopted for 'urban farming' on a professional level by specialized producers as well as by hobbyists." 

"We developed this system together with SEI from Piossasco in the Turin province. It is not a traditional aquaculture system using different tanks for vegetables and fish, as we create a symbiosis - fish eat roots, so plants keep producing root hairs considerably increasing their efficiency and growth," explains agronomist Alessandro Arioli.

Compared to a traditional system, the lettuce cycle is around ten days shorter. There is no drain: water regenerates thanks to its own biodiversity can also regulate the temperature.

"Fish eat the roots, which therefore keep growing day after day so no root disease develops and a bacterial balance is established thanks to the fish."

"The first systems were put in place three years ago and tests show that the vegetables grown this way have more flavor than those cultivated using the hydroponic system. 10-15 dish per cubic meter of water are needed. The system is integrated and fish can be bred to be sold."

As regards yields, we are talking about 264 heads a year per square meter, i.e. 264 thousand heads/year every 1000 sq meters. Considering 200 grams of saleable weight per head, we are talking about 52 tons a year of lettuce very 1000 sq m.

SEI srl
Via Roma 16, 10040
Rivalta (Torino)
Tel.: (+39) 011/9042821
Tel.: (+39) 335/7356357

Publication date : 2/22/2019 


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