Beavercreek Veteran Looks To Change Farming Practices

Beavercreek Veteran Looks To Change Farming Practices

By Ethan Fitzgerald 

Published: April 13, 2017, 6:40 pm

BEAVERCREEK, Ohio (WDTN) – The owner of Oasis Aqua Farm told 2 NEWS he’s trying to make farming more sustainable.

His unconventional farming method started when his mother-in-law wanted to get rid of some fish.

‘She said, hey! Do you guys want fish? And I said well..I work full-time on base, I’ve got two dogs and three kids,” said Kimball Osborne.

Turns out, they got the fish. What does a busy former veteran do with fish?

Kimball decided to try a method of farming he had long been interested in: Aquaponics.

Unlike most farms, the Osborne’s don’t use everyday fertilizer. Their 2,500 square foot facility relies on three key things: heat, dirt and 1,700 fish.

In short, the fish give nutrients to the plants and the plants clean the water for the fish.

“This is our fertilizer factory. We feed them, they feed our plants,” said Mr. Osborne.

The farm is fairly new and once they reach full operation, they expect to feed 100 people per week.

It’s Mr. Osborne’s childhood love of gardening that made him pursue Aquaponics.

“I’ve always done it. I’ve always had a garden. I’m also a cost analyst, I had millions of questions,” said Osborne.

After countless phone calls and classes, Osborne is ready and so is his community.

“Everyone has been extremely supportive. In fact one lady bought a share and said she has a garden, but just wanted to support us.”

If you would like to learn more about Oasis Aqua Farm, click here.


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