February Indoor Ag Science Cafe - February 23rd Tuesday 11 AM Eastern Time - "Indoor Farming In Mexico: Current Status And Opportunities"

Karla Garcia

Microgreen FLN & HortAmericas

  • Please sign up so that you will receive Zoom link info.

  • Indoor Ag Science Cafe is an open discussion forum, planned and organized by OptimIA project team supported by USDA SCRI grants.

Sign Up Here

Cafe archive & QA forum

Our archived Indoor Ag Science Cafe page in OptimIA website now has a forum function!  Please click on presentations of your interest and ask your quick questions. Notifications come to us and we should be able to respond promptly. 

Submit Your General Questions

For 'Indoor Ag Sci Queries'!

Please submit your questions (anonymously if you wish) about sciences and technologies of indoor farming to this submission site.  Any questions are welcome! The site is always open for your questions. Selected questions will be discussed in our future Indoor Ag Science Queries series.

Indoor Ag Science Cafe is organized by the OptimIA project team funded by USDA SCRI grants program.
Previous café recordings are available in the OptimIA project website.
Please contact for more info: kubota.10@osu.edu


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