February Indoor Science Cafe - February 18th 11:00 am EST - 'Managing Water Quality and Biofilm in Indoor Production' Presented by Paul Fisher (University of Florida)

Please Sign Up so that you will receive Zoom link info

one day before the cafe (Monday, Feb 17).

  • Indoor Ag Science Cafe is an open discussion forum, organized by Chieri Kubota (OSU), Erik Runkle (MSU), and Cary Mitchell (Purdue U.) supported by USDA SCRI grants.

Sign up for Feb 18th Cafe

Submit Your Questions for 'Indoor Ag Sci Queries'!

Please submit your questions (anonymously if you wish) about the sciences and technologies of indoor farming to this submission site.  Any questions are welcome! The site is always open for your questions. Selected questions will be discussed in our future Indoor Ag Science Queries series.

Previous café recordings are available in this YouTube channel and OptimIA project site.
lease contact for more info: kubota.10@osu.edu

Upcoming Cafes:

  • February 18th, 11 AM EST [Dr. Paul Fisher, University of Florida]

  • March 10th 1:30PM EST [Paul Lightfoot, BrightFarms]

  • April 14th, 12 PM EST [Dr. Roberto Lopez and Kellie Walters, Michigan State University]

Interested in giving a talk to share your thoughts and experiences? Please contact us!

Related Events:

  • February 20-21, 2020 - HVAC for Indoor Farms (Davis, CA) [More Information]

  • March 15-18, 2020 - NCERA-101 Committee on Controlled Environment Technology and Use Annual & International Meeting (Tucson, AZ) [More Information]

  • July 10, 2020 - Plant Empowerment Workshop - Advanced learning to optimize crop production (Columbus, OH) [More Information]

  • July 11-14, 2020 - Cultivate '20 (Columbus, OH) [More Information]


International Partnership For New Certificate For CEA-Grown Produce


US: Georgia State University - Freight Farms - Leafy Green Machine