Horticultural Lighting Guide

 Learn The Foundations Needed to Discuss, Plan, and Choose a Lighting

Approach to Meet Your Growing Goals With Confidence.

What is a mole of light? How much light will meet my goals? How can I discern if a light plan is going to provide these needed light levels and actually work? How does spectrum influence growth?

The deeper one dives into horticultural lighting, the more questions arise. TotalGrow Lights is pleased to offer this free Horticultural Lighting Guide to provide the foundations needed to engage these questions and determine what lighting approach best matches a grower’s goals and setup.

Whether this is your first step into horticultural lighting, an effort to straighten out seemingly conflicting information, or a reference document to review how lighting metrics are defined, calculated, and properly used, the Horticultural Lighting Guide is a valuable tool.

Lighting Guide Foundations for effective horticultural lighting info@venntis.comHorticultural Lighting Guide "The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know." -Albert Einstein Attempting to research and engage with horticultural lighting strategies may leave you feeling like Einstein,for better or worse.


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