Introduce Vertical Farming by Hydroponics and Aquaponics in Dry Arid Regions of India

Introduce Vertical Farming by Hydroponics and Aquaponics in Dry Arid Regions of India


Independent started this petition to pmoindia and 4 others

It is known for everyone in India that the farming communities of the dry and arid regions of Central India mostly in the regions of Bundelkhand, Vidarbha and Marathwada have been struggling for a long time. Droughts and Farmer Suicides are rampant in Vidarbha and Marathwada. There were times when people have to eat even grass to kill their hunger in Bundelkhand. Unfortunately even though new technologies have been developed around the world to develop crops and food in most difficult situation, still these technologies have not reached these farmers who are in dire need of hope.

Hence I appeal to the Govt of India and the Ministry of Agriculture to introduce Vertical Farming by Hydroponics (and Aquaponics) to the farmers of these regions. Hydroponics is the method of growing plants without soil, using mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent. This method can be used to grow plants in Vertical Towers and Stands without any need for soil.

Advantages of Vertical Farming using Hydroponics:

  • No need for soil so can be set up in dry and arid regions.
  • No effect of drought or storms or unseasonal rains.
  • 80-90% less usage of water due to water recycling.
  • Crops grow quickly hence improved productivity of 10-12 crops per year instead of 2-3 crops per year.
  • Scope of Installing Solar Panels for Generation of Solar Electricity on top of Warehouse.
  • Vertical Farms give more crops per acre. No limit of vertical expansion of farm.

Today, the advanced countries have been using these technologies for mass production of food for the people of their countries. Vertical Farming in Temperature Controlled Warehouses are now a proven and standard system for food production. Combined with installing Solar Panels on top of the roofs, these system can become a food production industry in itself and can bring the farming communities of Bundelkhand, Vidarbha and Marathwada out of Poverty. Since the plants being raised using Hydroponics are not dependent on soil, these can be setup in the dry and arid regions easily (and also anywhere in the country).

I am sure the ministry of agriculture must be aware of these technologies. I request the ministry and the Govt of India to urgently look at introducing Vertical Farming by Hydroponics in India. Not only it has the potential to eliminate poverty of the farming communities but also it can bring enough food for all the needy and the poor.

Hope the farmers of India can be benefitted and they come out of poverty quickly.


Souvik Jana


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