Italy: Innovative Systems to Increase Productivity

Italy: Innovative Systems to Increase Productivity

At Orticoltura tecnica in campo (24th-26th January 2018), Idromeccanica Lucchini presented two innovative protected crop cultivation systems. The purpose is to increase productivity per surface unit.

"The rise and fall system makes it possible to cultivate 12 plants per square metre. We set up a greenhouse with a hydroponic strawberry crop and LED lights, but the system could also be applied to other crops," explains Cesare Ghezzi.

Visitors were also interested in the intensive hydroponic vertical crop. Idromeccanica Lucchini is the distributor of an innovative system patented in the UK "Yields are 20 times those of traditional crops," adds Mattia Battistello.  

There are cultivation columns containing inert material. The system automatically releases water according to temperature and humidity conditions. Nothing is wasted as everything recirculates. Operators only need to top up water if it drops below the limit.

"The system can be used in cold greenhouses too, but it works better if they are heated. Thanks to vertical cultivation, harvesting is easier and yields are higher."

"A mulching film is placed on the ground to prevent agents from climbing up. Of course the produce harvested is extremely clean."

Idromeccanica Lucchini S.p.a. 
Via Cavriana 4B
46040 Guidizzolo (MN) 
Tel.: (+39) 0376 818433
Fax: (+39) 0376 819498

Publication date: 1/29/2018


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