Microgreens Maker

Written by Jim Ray

October, 2018

NetZero // Urban Agriculture

Grow Love. Feed. Every. Body.

Maker is coming out soon, and here is a sneak preview. Given that a farmer is able to grow microgreens in a 1020 tray and get a couple of pounds yield every week, we may pack 3 of those trays into one layer, stack 4 layers in one rack, and yield 24 pounds per system per week of cilantro microgreens that currently sell for $80 per pound. That’s $2,000 per week revenue from a $4,000 system that draws less than 500W.

We are in the process of finalizing our patent, and plan to have product available for sale in the near future.

The following drawing shows more details on the modular and scalable system along with call outs.

Wayne Community College

Wayne Community College is getting 5 of our systems, and placing them in a cargo container. Although we could easily pack 10 systems in one cargo container, they are allowing room for a preparation table by each system.  
With 5 systems, that’s $10k per week market potential with 52 crops per year for an annual gross income of $500k+

Their plans revolve around applied technology as opposed to commercial potential, and will give their crops to the community while providing an opportunity to educate students in urban agriculture.

Here’s a picture of the cargo containers that will go on their campus:

Cargo Containers

We’ll add our system to our shopping cart, and open our doors for business in the very near future.

Here’s a 3D CAD drawing of our 5 systems inside a cargo container:

Multiple Systems

NetZero // Urban Agriculture – Grow Love. Feed. Every. Body.

office: 855-636-9114 cell: 984-459-0458 emailjim@hq.net0ag.com

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