Peter Lane Resigns As Vice Chairman of Association For Vertical Farming


Peter Lane announced that he resigned his position as vice-chairman of the AVF, stating that "the position is as an unpaid volunteer, and I volunteered for one year only".

He went on to say: "Vertical farming is far more than leafy greens and urban ag, and I want to prove what is possible and to advance the industry.

"I am only interested in the large scale, feed the 9 billion industrial-scale projects."

Peter has set up a new company called Vertical Farming Network, whose purpose is to bring all stakeholders in the UK into the business, and that includes the financial industry and not just urban ag and academia.

"There will be a bi-monthly meeting in London so that growers, engineering firms, academia, and the financial industry can meet to forge alliances and develop projects", Peter commented.

"I am trying in collaboration with the RAU to set up a new 100-acre agritech park near Chippenham to develop the engineering and commercial scale-up of vertical farming. That includes R&D and training. The park will be far more than leafy greens.

Vertical farming can and is used for funghi, algae, fish farming & a variety of livestock from chickens to cattle. It is a major project but there is already a lot of interest.

The vertical farming industry needs to move on to become a food industry, and I want to do not just talk about it."

Ramin Ebrahimnejad has been named Vice-Chair of the Board of the AVF.

Publication date: Mon 10 Feb 2020


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