iGrow Pre-Owned

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Ship To Plate, Food Grown Onboard Cruise Condo Ships

What else can you add to the cruise ship to make it more like home? A fresh produce farm. Storylines will have ship-to-plate food using some of the latest technologies in hydroponic food production. This will enable portions of the menu and indeed whole dishes to be grown right onboard the cruise condo ship.

Side benefits of this are better quality and better tasting food with a lower carbon foot print as food produced this way only travels a few feet, not thousands of miles.

Guests will be able to get involved in this process if they choose, so even the green thumbs in the community will be catered too. A big part of the Storylines offer is the fact that "anything you can do in your land based living, you should be able to do onboard our ships." This hydroponic garden is just an extension of that.

The garden itself will be over 2 levels and radiate a warm UV type light into the surrounding areas as it will be encased in glass. It will sit in pride of place right in the center of the main dining lounge so as guests are ordering their meal, the chef may be in the garden picking the ingredients to go on the plate. The lower level will be glassed in on a condo deck adding the feeling of a cosy home to those living nearby.

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Publication date : 12/11/2018