SINGAPORE: New Guidelines For Local Farms To Ensure Produce Is Safe, Sustainable

The guidelines are meant to assure consumers that produce

from local vegetable farms are fresh, free from synthetic

pesticides, and grown sustainably

Jolene Ang

March 25, 2021

SINGAPORE - New guidelines to help local farms ensure the production of clean and green local produce were launched on Thursday (March 25).

They are meant to assure consumers that produce from local vegetable farms is fresh, free from synthetic pesticides, and grown sustainably - with efficient use of resources and without compromising the environment.

"SS 661: Specification for Clean and Green Urban Farms - Agriculture", the standard including the guidelines, was launched by the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) together with Enterprise Singapore, the Singapore Manufacturing Federation - Standards Development Organisation, and Republic Polytechnic (RP).

It contains criteria that urban vegetable farms have to meet in terms of farm management, techniques, and practices to achieve a clean and green production system.

A clean farm production system refers to one that does not use pollutive farm inputs, such as synthetic pesticides, and does not leave behind undesirable residue for consumers and the environment.

A green farm production system ensures the efficient use of farm inputs and natural resources, the recycling of farm waste to minimize the impact on the environment and ecosystem, as well as the optimization of farm production.

The criteria include minimum competency requirements for farm employees, plans for the responsible management of resources, green procurement practices and farm operations, as well as procedures for handling customer complaints, farm product recalls and conducting internal audits.

The standard will also help vegetable farms adopt smart farming techniques and practices to reduce wastage of resources, incorporate circularity in their resource management, and optimize operational efficiency.

Dr. Tan Lee Kim, SFA director-general of food administration and deputy chief executive, said these guidelines are timely, given the increasing challenges from climate change.

"(Climate change) can put a strain on food supply chains, including our local food production... The standard will be critical in ensuring our local farms employ farming practices that make efficient use of our resources to grow more in land-scarce Singapore and are sustainable in the long run," Dr. Tan said.

"As a result, local urban farms will be recognized for producing safe, quality food, using resource-efficient practices in a clean and sustainable environment. This will allow us to differentiate and brand local produce, further strengthening Singapore's reputation for quality produce as we work towards achieving our '30 by 30' goal."

The "30 by 30" goal is for Singapore to produce 30 percent of its nutritional needs locally by 2030.

The SFA will work with local farmers and industry players to promote and raise awareness of the standard.

RP will also launch a three-day training course from April to assist farms in adopting the standard.

Lead photo: by LIANHE ZAOBAO: The guidelines are meant to assure consumers that produce from local vegetable farms is fresh, free from synthetic pesticides, and grown sustainably.


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Webinar: Tuesday, 30 March 2021 Dr. Csaba Hornyik (Intelligent Growth Solutions), Peter-James Lennox (Kroptek), Katia Zacharaki (Digital Farming / Harper Adams University / UKUAT)