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Overcoming The Challenges of Growing Organically In Soilless Farms - Wednesday, September 23, 2020 @ 12 PM EST
Has your soilless farm ever considered that your food waste could be a source of net income? Join us as we show how Re-Nuble can help soilless farms capture and introduce water solution, organic nutrients from your own production waste as a free supplementary and sterile fertilizer source
Are you a soilless farmer or grower that wants to go organic but keeps facing challenges? Join us as we identify ways for you to work with water-soluble organic hydroponic nutrients in a recirculating system in such a way that voids the risk of introducing food safety-related pathogens, labor inefficiencies and additional costs. Based on seven years of research, Re-Nuble's goal is to guide soilless farms towards a cultivation method that is comparable to the yields of conventional, synthetic mineral salts while increasing a farm’s bottom line using food waste as the mechanism.
In this webinar you will learn:
The main challenges soilless farms face when transitioning to organics
How to overcome these challenges
What soilless farms need to be mindful of when transitioning to ensure profitability
We'll see you there!
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On-Site Waste Management:
An Untapped Income Source
Wednesday, 7 October 2020 @ 12 pm EST
Has your soilless farm ever considered that your food waste could be a source of net income? Join us as we show how Re-Nuble can help soilless farms capture and introduce water solution, organic nutrients from your own production waste as a free supplementary and sterile fertilizer source. We then go on to explain the driving science behind our method, Organic Cycling Science, an approach that allows farms to finally use a fully integrated, closed-loop, and self-sustaining fertilizing system capable of reducing input and disposal costs and increasing efficiencies.
In this webinar you will learn:
How to turn a farm's production waste into a free, renewable source of potable water and (optional) nutrients
Opportunities to improve income by reducing the organic hydroponic nutrient cost
Ways to increase a crop's growth and nutritional content
We'll see you there!
Register here
Speaker Profile: Tinia Pina
Founder & CEO, Re-Nuble
Tinia received her B.S. in Business Information Technology from Virginia Tech and studied briefly at Columbia University's Earth Institute. She has seven years of experience in the financial services industry and ten years as a professional within the sustainability and waste management industry.
Tinia launched Re-Nuble with a mission to “Redefine Waste” within urban communities. Re-Nuble quickly evolved into a social enterprise dedicated to changing wasteful habits around the world with the sole intention to help our farming production and food systems to become more resilient, decarbonized, and with an abundance of accessible organic produce options.
Tinia's pioneering business model has earned her a Huffington Post Millennial Impact Grant, the American Express Emerging Innovator award, and a MillerCoors Urban Entrepreneur grant, among other honors. Her experiences related to food waste, systems and policy have fueled her passion to increase our communities’ resilience, prosperity, and knowledge to help us live more conscious lives.