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4 Tips on How to Harvest Microgreens From Growing Containers

When it comes to ​harvesting microgreens​, the process is fairly simple. Most plants take around 7 to 14 days to grow, but this depends on the specific microgreen plant you’re growing since the germination and harvesting times differ from species to species.


When it comes to ​harvesting microgreens​, the process is fairly simple. Most plants take around 7 to 14 days to grow, but this depends on the specific microgreen plant you’re growing since the germination and harvesting times differ from species to species. This article is going to provide you with 4 tips on how to successfully harvest microgreens from growing containers.

Tip 1: You Don’t Have to Wash Your Microgreen Harvest

If you’re using a small microgreen growing container, you can expect a simple, yet efficient harvest. Once it’s time to harvest your microgreens, hold your container over a bowl to collect them, and tilt the container to snip the stems. You do not have to wash your microgreen harvest if the crop has been ​watered from the bottombecause it should be free from any soil. However, if you do notice soil on the stems, then you can rinse them with water to get rid of any leftover soil.


Tip 2: You Can Refrigerate Your Harvest to Extend Its Shelf Life

If you happen to grow microgreens in repurposed growing containers, you can refrigerate your microgreens before it's time to harvest. When it comes time to snip your microgreens, you can extend their shelf life by placing your microgreen growing container in your refrigerator. However, the cold air can dry out your microgreens, so make sure to place the container in a plastic bag. By doing this, your microgreens can be in the fridge for an extra week as long as you make sure to bottom water the plants anytime the soil starts to feel dry if you leave the plastic bag open. Once you’re ready to eat the microgreens, place the container on a windowsill or anywhere to allow it to reach room temperature–then it’s safe to eat!

Tip 3: Harvest Your Microgreens One Portion at a Time (Or In Patches)

If you’re not ready to eat your entire grow, then you can snip your desired patches by rows or patches. You’ll want to make sure to leave space for your leftover growing microgreens to lean as they grow. This is a more commonly used method for tray gardening where you’ll have larger pulls.


Tip 4: Do Not Pull Microgreens Directly From the Soil

It’s very important to not pull your plants straight from the soil in the microgreen growing container. Doing so can disturb the plant's roots and affect your harvest. This is why it’s best to use scissors to cut the stems to your liking.

We at the Nick Greens Grow Team strive to utilize our expertise and vast knowledge to inform our readers about the process of growing microgreens. If you would like to learn more about harvesting microgreens from growing containers or anything microgreen-related then sign up for our new microgreens class that’s happening every Friday! Can’t attend? Then make sure to subscribe to our blog and YouTube channel for the latest microgreen-growing updates.

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Harvesting Microgreens 101: What You Need to Know

Learning when to harvest microgreens is an essential step to the growing process. Since these tiny leafy vegetables tend to grow fast, it’s critical to know when to harvest them

Learning when to harvest microgreens is an essential step to the growing process. Since these tiny leafy vegetables tend to grow fast, it’s critical to know when to harvest them. In this article, we’re going to cover everything there is to know about harvesting microgreens.

Harvesting Microgreens

You can harvest the microgreens during two stages of their growth. Once the seedlings start to grow, you’ll notice the first leaf or pair of leaves which are known as ​cotyledons. You can harvest your microgreens during this stage, or you can wait until they grow their next set of leaves, which are known as ​true leaves.

It’s essential to harvest your greens during either of these stages, which can happen within the first two weeks. If you wait too long to harvest, they will start to yellow or have stunted growth. Signs of plant stress can happen from several factors such as soil quality, plant species, and more. This is why it’s best to harvest your microgreens when the cotyledons or true leaves appear.

How to Harvest Your Microgreens

The best times to harvest your microgreens are during the early morning or evening. If you harvest during these times, your microgreens are more likely to be fresh and healthy.

When harvesting microgreens, you’ll need a pair of scissors. Your microgreens should range from about 1 to 4 inches in length. Make sure to cut your microgreens about an inch above the soil. After trimming, wash the ends to remove any unwanted soil or dirt. If you are not cutting above the cotyledons, then the microgreens will not grow any further. You can compost the tray after you’re done harvesting the microgreens.

Washing and Drying

Depending on how you’re growing your microgreens will determine how you’ll wash them. If you’re growing them in soil, it’s recommended to wash the ends to rid them of any leftover soil or dirt so it won’t ruin the taste of your food. However, if your microgreens are growing from other methods, you won’t have to wash them. It’s best to wash your microgreens in cold water to maintain overall freshness. Make sure to remove damaged leaves or other problem areas to avoid an undesirable taste.

Drying your greens is an easy and simple process. Layout the greens in front of a fan and let them dry for a few minutes, and turn them over every so often to ensure they dry completely.

Storing Microgreens

Stored microgreens can last up to several days in the refrigerator. To correctly store your plants, we suggest placing them between paper towers inside a food grade container. This can help extend their shelf life for up to a week or two.

Harvesting microgreens is a simple and easy-to-understand process. Once you’ve harvested your greens, have fun adding them to your salads or dishes of any kind! We at the Nick Greens Grow Team provide useful growing tips to those who want to grow microgreens at home. Make sure to subscribe to our blog and YouTube channel to stay up to date with new at-home growing tips and tricks!

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