Welcome to iGrow News, Your Source for the World of Indoor Vertical Farming
BRITISH COLUMBIA: Tomorrow: 2021 BC Economic Summit
Join us tomorrow for a panel discussion with guests from our projects across B.C.! You'll have the opportunity to hear their experiences and discover how you can also take steps forward in food sovereignty with indoor growing
Join us tomorrow for a panel discussion with guests from our projects across B.C.! You'll have the opportunity to hear their experiences and discover how you can also take steps forward in food sovereignty with indoor growing.
ONLINE SUMMIT: Planet Forward. Plant Seeds of Change - July 2nd & 3rd, 2020
Join us at the Women in Agribusiness Online Summit Europe July 2 & 3 for ideas, networking and to hear what others are doing
Join us at the
Women In Agribusiness Summit Europe
July 2 & 3
For Ideas, Networking, And To Hear What Others Are Doing
Our most lofty and challenging goals cannot be achieved overnight. However, they can be attained if we start working on them right now. Some have plans in place to contribute to: No poverty, zero hunger, good health, climate action and preserving diversity of life.
Plant seeds of change now within your company, office and home. Begin growing a better planet for future generations — a planet where hunger doesn’t exist and food plays an invaluable role in sustaining individual wellness and healthy communities.