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Technology Is Key To Feeding The World - Celebrating National Ag Day On March 23: We've Come A Long Way From Plows To Agbots

High-Tech Farm Trends: A Glossary

March 18, 2021
By: Steve Foster
Extension Educator Pershing County, University of Nevada, Reno Extension

High-Tech Farm Trends: A Glossary

Over the years, I have listened to many speakers predict what the future of agriculture will look like. One of the biggest challenges for agriculture is to feed 9.6 billion people by 2050. To do so, food production must increase 70% by 2050.

One way to address these issues and increase the quality and quantity of agricultural production is to use sensing technology to make farms more intelligent and connected through so-called "precision agriculture," also known as “smart farming.”

I came across an article the other day, Five High-Tech Farming Trends, by JoAnn Alumbaugh, that shares British author and Labour Party politician Anthony Crosland’s most cited sentence: “What one generation sees as a luxury, the next sees as a necessity." History has shown this to be true – just look at the use of cell phones, televisions, hand-held devices, and computers. Then look at how living conditions and diets have changed as societies have become more affluent.

Below are technologies related to agricultural and natural manufacturing under four key areas of accelerating change, many of which are already in use today: sensors, food, automation, and engineering.


Air & soil sensors: Enable a real-time understanding of current farm, forest or body of water conditions. 

Equipment telematics: Allow mechanical devices, such as tractors, to warn mechanics that a failure is likely to occur soon.

Livestock biometrics: Collars with GPS, radio frequency identification systems (RFIDs), and biometrics identify and relay vital information about livestock in real-time. Also, farmers and ranchers are using virtual fencing to control the movement of livestock, similar to invisible fences for pets.

Crop sensors: Instead of prescribing field fertilization before application, high-resolution crop sensors inform application equipment of correct amounts needed. Drones or optical sensors, such as infrared light, identify crop health across the field.


Genetically designed food: The creation of entirely new strains of food animals and plants to better address biological and physiological needs. A departure from genetically modified food, genetically designed food is engineered from the ground up.

In vitro meat: Also known as cultured meat, in vitro meat is muscle tissue grown in a lab and therefore never part of a live animal. These products have already entered the market, including the plant-based hamburgers sold by Burger King.


Agricultural robots: Also known as “agbots,” these are used to automate agricultural processes, including harvesting, fruit picking, plowing, soil maintenance, weeding, planting, and irrigation, among others.

Precision agriculture: Farming management based on observing and responding to intra-field variations. With satellite imagery and advanced sensors, farmers can optimize returns on crop resources, such as irrigation and fertilizer, while preserving natural resources at ever-larger scales. Further understanding of crop variability, geo-located weather data, and precise sensors should allow improved automated decision-making and complementary planting techniques.

Robotic farm swarms: The combination of dozens or hundreds of agbots with thousands of microscopic sensors that would monitor, predict, cultivate and extract crops from the land with practically no human intervention. Small-scale implementations are already on the horizon.

Variable-rate swath control: Building on existing geo-location technologies such as GPS, future swath control could save on seeds, minerals, fertilizer, and herbicides by reducing overlapping resources. By pre-computing the shape of the field where the resources are to be used, and by understanding the relative productivity of different areas of the field, tractors or “Agbots” can procedurally apply resources at variable rates throughout the field.


Closed ecological systems: Ecosystems that do not rely on matter exchange outside the system. Such closed ecosystems would theoretically transform waste products into oxygen, food, and water to support life-forms inhabiting the system. Such systems already exist in small scales, but existing technological limitations prevent them from scaling.

Synthetic biology: Programming biology using standardized parts in the same way computers are programmed using standard libraries today. Includes the broad redefinition and expansion of biotechnology, with the ultimate goals of being able to design, build and remediate engineered biological systems that process information, manipulate chemicals, fabricate materials and structures, produce energy, provide food, and maintain and enhance human health and our environment.

Vertical farming: A natural extension of urban agriculture, vertical farms would cultivate plant or animal life within dedicated or mixed-use skyscrapers in urban settings. Using techniques similar to glass houses, vertical farms could augment natural light using energy-efficient lighting. The advantages are numerous, including year-round crop production, protection from the weather, support for urban food autonomy, and reduced transport costs.

The information revolution ties global and local producers and consumers together in ways not possible just a decade ago. As the speed and capacity of computers continue to increase, the ability to gather and use the information on all aspects of production agriculture will explode. Some of these technological advances have already been developed and are just waiting to become financially viable before they transition from a luxury to a necessity. 


“15 Emerging Agriculture Technologies That Will Change The World,” Michell Zappa, Policy Horizons Canada.

“Five High-Tech Farming Trends,” JoAnn Alumbaugh.

By: Steve Foster
Extension Educator Pershing County, University of Nevada, Reno Extension

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Groundless Myths

Since Aristotle, people believed that plants exclusively feed on organic matter. Only in the 18th century did these ideas begin to be questioned

05-10-2020   |    iFarm

Since Aristotle, people believed that plants exclusively feed on organic matter. Only in the 18th century did these ideas begin to be questioned. Scientists discovered that in fact plants’ primary source of nutrition is inorganic in nature. Similar myths exist today. One of them is that soilless cultivation is an artificial process, during which tasteless vegetables, berries and greens grow rapidly almost on "steroids". We compared hydroponics — one of the most common and sustainable soilless crop cultivation technologies, with traditional farming to identify their key differences and similarities.

A bit of history

The concept of "hydroponics" was introduced in the 1930s by the American biologist William Gericke.


During the Second World War, the first hydroponic plantations were launched using this technology. Since the 1970s, hydroponic systems of various modifications have begun to appear in different parts of the world. Today NASA is working on an inflatable expandable greenhouse where hydroponics will be used. It is planned to be installed on Mars so that the first settlers can provide themselves with fresh vegetables, berries and herbs like on the Earth.

Hydroponics combines several methods of plant cultivation in artificial environments: wick and drip irrigation systems, flooding irrigation, nutrient layer method, etc. On iFarm vertical farms, we use the flow hydroponics method: seeds are sown in one of the types of substrate (peat or mineral wool), and nutrient solution is served into the pots from below.

A huge advantage of hydroponics is its controllability. The technology makes it possible to create ideal conditions for plants in terms of nutrition, lighting, temperature, and environment. In an optimal microclimate, they reveal their maximum potential, useful properties, have a prominent taste and aroma.

Nutrient intake

All elements of root nutrition are absorbed by plants either from the soil or a mixture of water-soluble fertilizers only in the form of ions.

Growing in soil

The content and availability of macro and microelements (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, etc.) in the soil is influenced by the temperature of air and soil, the amount of solar energy and moisture, the pH of the environment. Natural conditions are very unstable: air temperature and pressure fluctuate during the day, the sun is often covered with clouds, there may or may not be any rain for several days. All this affects the availability of nutrients for plants, causing a deficit of one or more of them, which in turn reduces yields and product quality. To accelerate plant growth and ensure yields, people began to use mineral or organic fertilizers.

The microclimate inside a vertical farm is stable and the plants get nutrition in the amount they require. "We do not accelerate the growth of plants, but create conditions in which they can fully develop, without experiencing a lack or excess of nutrients and stress from changes in the environment. All this allows you to get tastier and earlier harvests," said Natalia Smirnova, a plant nutrition specialist at iFarm. iFarm labs select balanced nutrition for all crops grown on vertical farms. In fact, macro- and microelements are the same, but the delivery methods to the root systems may differ.

iFarm agrochemists select a balanced diet not only for each crop, but also for a specific phase of its development (the amount and ratio of consumed macro- and microelements depends on it). They can adjust the supply of nutrients to plants to get fruits not only with specified taste characteristics but also with a specific concentration of iron, silicon, vitamins, carotene, and other components important for human health.

The quality of vegetables, berries, or herbs does not depend on the method of their cultivation, but on the conditions the plants grew in, regardless of the environment being natural or artificial. Products that taste like "plastic" are often obtained using a large number of fertilizers, growth stimulants and pesticides, helping fruits to gain weight faster and increasing their shelf life. They are usually harvested without being given time for natural ripening or accumulation of nutrients (although two or three times per season).

Natalia Smirnova

Candidate of Biological Sciences,
iFarm plant nutrition specialist

Protecting from pests and diseases

In the closed ecosystems of vertical farms pests cannot infect the plantings (there is no need to fight them, that is why production is pesticide-free unlike traditional field farming or greenhouses). You can lose crops only due to disturbances in plant nutrition.

Growing in soil

10 billion microorganisms live in 1 g of black soil. Some of them are pathogens (fungi, viruses, and bacteria) that cause various diseases in plants. In order to protect crops and keep harvests, agricultural producers are forced to use chemical agents (pesticides: herbicides, fungicides, insecticides) in the fields while growing. In addition, ripe fruits are also processed for safety during transportation. Pesticides remain on products even after washing in water and, once they enter the human body, can cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, oncology, reproductive and endocrine disorders, etc.


Vertical farms using iFarm technologies have a closed microclimate. An energy-efficient air purification and disinfection system ensures complete absence of outside air, any pollution, pests or diseases. The substrate that holds the roots of plants is purchased from leading international manufacturers. iFarm agronomists always check suppliers' quality certificates and test substrates in laboratories. For the nutrient solutions, we use treated water, purified in a special system that eliminates any impurities letting in only oxygen and water molecules through a membrane. There is simply no need to use pesticides.

Soilless cultivation also allows to carry out an early analysis of the root systems, giving a chance to evaluate every single plant’s condition. On vertical farms, root access is always open.

Water consumption

Vertical farms use 90% less water than greenhouses. Special engineering solutions can help to further improve this number to save even more water, allowing the plants to receive precisely required amount of moisture.

Growing in soil
Producers annually calculate the irrigation norm rate — the amount of water plants require to fully grow. It depends on the climate, soil properties, crop characteristics, cultivation technology. However, it is difficult to calculate accurately due to the unreliability of weather forecasts. As a result, plants may receive too little or too much water. Failure to comply with irrigation norms washes away the upper layers of the soil: irrigation erosion annually carries away 100−150 t/ha of soil, 0.8−1 t of humus, 100−120 kg of nitrogen, and 110−165 kg of phosphorus. On such soils, crops grow unevenly, and yields decrease.

Thanks to the automated microclimate, the amount of water required by plants to fully develop is determined with an accuracy of a milliliter. iFarm engineers have also developed a dehumidification system to collect moisture evaporated by plants, filter, decontaminate and reuse it to water crops. This will help save even more water, which is incredibly useful in regions where water resources are limited (when grown in soil, moisture released by plants simply evaporates).


The advantages of hydroponics (climate controllability, pesticide-free production, preservation of the environment) stimulate the growth of the global vertical farming market. According to Research and Markets, in 2017 it was about $ 2.3 billion, and by 2023 it will grow to almost $ 7.5 billion, adding more than 20% annually.

Source and Photo Courtesy of iFarm

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“If We Really Want To Make A Change, We Should Intensively Invest In Innovation and Technique In Africa”

Christine Zimmerman discusses vertical farming trends

Christine Zimmerman Discusses Vertical Farming Trends

Vertical farming is a rapidly growing industry, and there are many challenges and opportunities. In this interview with Christine Zimmermann-Loessl, Chairwoman at the Association for Vertical Farming, she discusses the latest trends and developments within the vertical farming sector worldwide.

What are the latest trends within vertical farming?

Zimmermann-Loessl stated that there is a very clear trend in automation and fully automated systems. Especially in the USA, Japan, and Europe. “The main trend here is that we see robotics and AI machine learning that will even play a bigger role than it does now. Another trend is scaling, as people start to understand the necessity of vertical farming. I still hear from the majority of greenhouse growers, to have a fully automated greenhouse, the vertical farmers say: no we can be more efficient and it can be much more controlled. However, there are so many input factors that cannot be perfectly controlled in a greenhouse. In order to have reliable minimal resources and yield, vertical farming is a better solution.”

Zimmermann stated that once the energy problem issue is solved, they can connect the issue with solar and teach students about it in the AVF demonstration center. Using solar is possible and there are the costs to have the proof of concept.

Have you seen positive developments in vertical farming regarding COVID-19?

As there are strict hygiene standards, higher than in any other farm, there is a very clean environment. “We are beyond ahead COVID-19 measurements and this needs to be communicated even better.” According to Zimmermann, a great advantage of indoor farming the high hygiene standards. Working with a hygiene room quality and improving these standards. “We have seen a lot of growth, also at the AVF as we gained 11 members. Start-ups have the ambition to grow out of that start-up phase.”

She also notes that vertical farming has had more understanding of politics and politicians, but also on a national- and municipal level. They understand that there is a need to secure the future, being less dependent on external factors. “We had to communicate all these advantages even better. The majority doesn’t know them yet and we have to improve that”, she adds.

What is the quickest growing country in terms of vertical farming techniques?

“That’s a tough question. I think that in Germany really took off in the past two years. We have Fraunhofer Institute in Aachen with two brand new systems that haven’t been on the market before with that high level of innovation. The Orbiplant, from Fraunhofer, shows how economical VF can be today. It is built from material on the market for automation or transport systems highly automated and allows cheap production prices. Another company, Lite+Fog, where I see innovation at a level of experience with a new system design and water-saving fog for the roots instead of hydroponics.

Zimmermann continues that Japanese farming company Spread, its Techno farm, is really the state of the art. It’s a proven operation and they produce for the market. “However, Orbiplant and Lite+Fog are still in a demo size compared to the commercial farms of SPREAD and the fully on-demand farms now. We have a differentiation to make between these three.”

And in terms of newly constructed farms?

"I have visited Farminova, Turkey, and it’s very interesting to see how in such an agricultural country a company takes on the innovative food business. Cantek Turkey, the owner Hakan Karaca decided to go into vertical farming and built a system in one of his warehouses, near Antalya, to bring the topic forward. They see the need for sustainability and innovation.” Zimmermann said that Italy is also becoming an interesting country for vertical farming. Companies such as Planet Farms and Ono Exponential Farms that have fully automated new constructions. “People need to build up their trust in technology and the produce from it. In Europe, they have a prejudice against artificial environment by technology, but in Asian countries such as Japan and Singapore they don’t. They’re much more open to it, also in the new farming technology because it offers safe, fresh, local products. They see the shrinking traditional farming in their countries and growing imports."

Are we at a maturity stage in vertical farming yet?

“Not at all. When we started we were in an infant stage. Now we are at age 12 to 14. From an age perspective, we are not mature enough yet. It would be really good to have official government backing. Not just money-wise, but also policy-wise. We want more agriculture sustainable methods. One of these is indoor vertical farming. Once that statement comes, it would help VF implementation a lot.”

Why do you think that governments haven’t done that yet?

“It’s all about the necessity. ‘Why do we need it? We have greenhouses. We have industrial agriculture. Now, with severe droughts, even in Europe, more politicians see the need. I am part of the dialog forum for the 'Future of Agriculture', where all major stakeholders gather in Berlin twice a year. I get to meet all the associations from traditional farming and few of them have heard of vertical farming. Not to talk about embracing, saying it could be a part of agriculture production. However, it’s still a long way to go for communication, marketing, and raising awareness.

"We need more innovation- and vertical farming centers around the cities and rural areas to enable our hands-on learning and demonstration. If we do that, farmers will see it and understand it better. We start with the farmers. More young people are coming in the industry. We will rely on vertical farming systems to maintain reliable food production. It will play a major role if we want to protect the ecosystem when we have over 10 billion people on this planet.”

What would you address as the most frequent struggles within the industry?

“Investment is still a major struggle. Either banks don’t understand the business model of high-tech farms, because they have only know traditional agriculture business models. Or investors don’t have a sufficient understanding of vertical farming. They want a quick ROI and don’t know that they need patience. So, in order to find the right investor and money, it’s not that easy. If you want to scale, you have to have a proof of concept. But more money is needed to go to that next level.

"It ‘seems easier’ in the USA and Asia. Looking at the UAE, which is taking off with vertical farming, partially because the government is supporting it now too. Their food supply chain is in the hand of a couple of people and they were used to importing all food. It takes time to build a new food chain and trust in new suppliers."

In what underdeveloped countries do you see the most potential for vertical farming?

“Absolutely, we just founded our regional chapter by our team. We cannot serve the interest in India anymore, so we decided to have a local team there. It’s taking off like crazy. Now, we have two members in Africa and we get at least two requests per week. In South Africa, it can be seen that there’s a lot of equipment development. Which gives them the highest level of technology compared to the rest of Africa.

"We see a lot of the need to train farmers and really implement vertical farming in Africa. We just received new proposals from Cameroon to train 1200 farmers on vertical farming in the Northwest. So far, our partner in Cameroon has built the center already and we only need the equipment yet and training can start. It’s great to see what they do. If we really want to make a change, we should intensively invest in innovation and technology in Africa. We can grow forest there, instead of turning more land into agriculture and reduce CO2 even more. They are willing to do that and know what they need. It’s not up to us to tell them what they do. If AVF would have the financial power, we’d be there tomorrow to help them."

Where do you see the most positive reactions towards vertical farming? 

"In Asia, we can find mature markets, especially in Singapore and Japan. People are willing to buy and understand the concept. China is an important market from a global perspective. A lot of projects in vertical farming are happening there, but the government policy to protect traditional agriculture has such a big importance for the government. Therefore, it’s very tricky to launch vertical farming in the right way. They have megacities and over 1.3 bln people so the demand is huge. But, they only have 12% of land and so there are many opportunities for farming. However, there’s a huge challenge for vertical farming as it’s very hard to implement it on a bigger scale." 

For more information:
Association for Vertical Farming
Christine Zimmermann-Loessl, Chairwoman

Publication date: Wed 26 Aug 2020
Author: Rebekka Boekhout

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