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Vertical Farming World Congress Kicks Off With Remote Site Visits

Aerofarms in the United States, Intelligent Growth Solutions (IGS) in the United Kingdom, Root AI (United States), Uns Farms from the United Arab Emirates, and YesHealth Group in Taiwan all opened their doors to virtual visitors, by means of videos showcasing what their operations are all about

Under normal circumstances, participants in the Vertical Farming World Congress, organized by Zenith Global, would have been able to visit some vertical farming sites, see the lights, sample some produce, talk to the farm managers. With the global pandemic still raging, however, the organizers decided to take the event online. As part of that move into the virtual domain, participants were able to 'visit' some vertical farms from the comfort of their own home.

Aerofarms in the United States, Intelligent Growth Solutions (IGS) in the United Kingdom, Root AI (United States), Uns Farms from the United Arab Emirates, and YesHealth Group in Taiwan all opened their doors to virtual visitors, by means of videos showcasing what their operations are all about.

The presentation program was then kicked off by Richard Hall, Chairman of Zenith Global, who introduced the first speaker: Ellis Janssen, Global Director City Farming at Signify. The Dutch lighting supplier has put increasing attention on developing products for vertical and indoor farming in recent years. According to Ellis, while lighting is crucial to photosynthesis, it's only part of the puzzle: "It's a combination of factors that makes a vertical farm successful or not - the sum of all elements should add up to more."

Ellis Janssen

Educating vertical farmers
Next up, Wythe Marschall introduced the FarmTech Society (FTS). As Education Committee Chair, he focuses on education and workforce development, pointing out that there are lots of opportunities there in the industry.

Wythe Marschall

"In the US, there are not that many places to go for training, unlike in Northern Europe or Japan for instance," Wythe noted. "We look to work with educational institutions and members, and based on what industry members want, we offer courses with industry credentials, skills that are vetted by the academic institutions and industry." To this end, a CEA training and education consortium has been formed by the FTS.

Vertical circularity
The mic was then passed to Stephan Wullschleger and John Macdonald of Porohita Projects, who tuned in from Switzerland and New Zealand respectively. As Stephan explains, 'Porohita' stands for 'circular' in the Maori language, so it's no surprise that the company is all about circularity in indoor agriculture.

John Macdonald

The duo met in the Middle East, where John was working on a bottled water project. Recently he also spent some time in the UAE and Saudi Arabia working on controlled-environment agriculture projects, before moving into vertical farming. "Most importantly, this project was water positive for most of the year, that made it really very exciting", he says about the latter project.

Saving energy
In the Q&A session, the discussion moved back to lighting. "It's very important that you look at the efficacy of the lighting module", Ellis explained. "In the end, some light is for free, so we need a proper business case for a vertical farm to make it economically feasible.

At Signify, they've been working on improving the efficiency of lighting modules, but as Ellis points out, the other part is also crucial: the yield of your farm. "That yield is influenced by the light spectrum. What you gain in kilograms in yield in your farm, has a direct impact on your price - not only the cost price but also the sales price.

"So it's a combination of having the right spectrum and the right module. Do not only look at capital expenditure but look at the total light plan."

John agrees that it's important to take into account energy as a critical factor and a really big cost. "Water positivity is interesting and emotionally nice to achieve, but it's not going to be your biggest cost, so energy is the one to work on."

The Vertical Farming World Congress continues until the 24th of September. HortiDaily will be posting summaries of several of the sessions in the near future, so keep an eye out for those updates!

Publication date: Wed 23 Sep 2020

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Vertical Farming, Indoor Farming IGrow PreOwned Vertical Farming, Indoor Farming IGrow PreOwned

Vertical Farming To Shape Food's Future Top Companies To Share Expertise At Online Congress - September 22-24, 2020

The first Vertical Farming World Congress will now be held online on 22-24 September, with numerous innovations to help develop an emerging community of leading producers, funders, suppliers, and customers. Its theme will be ‘Shaping Food’s Future

The first Vertical Farming World Congress will be held online from 22nd to 24th September, bringing together the sector’s top minds and businesses, who believe the coronavirus pandemic will accelerate the industry’s inevitable growth. With the theme ‘Shaping Food’s Future’, the event is sponsored by LED lighting solutions provider Heilux.

“This is a unique opportunity for interested investors, agriculturalists, food producers, suppliers, academics and governments,” commented Richard Hall, Chairman of event organizer Zenith Global, the food and drink experts. “There may never be a better time, because the industry is rapidly establishing itself and an online event gives a ringside seat more affordably, along with all kinds of extra features.

“In addition to the most authoritative speakers ever assembled on the sector, there will be virtual farm tours, round tables on key issues, and extensive social as well as one-to-one networking. There will be ongoing access afterwards to review presentations and continue making new connections.

“It will be difficult to beat the caliber and geographic spread of our speakers:

  • Our industry leadership panel has the founders and chief executives of AeroFarms and 80 Acres Farms from the United States plus Intelligent Growth Solutions and Jones Food Company from the United Kingdom.

  • On sustainability, we have the World Wildlife Fund; on retailing, we have Migros from Switzerland.

  • Investors are represented by AgFunder, Ashfords, Innovate UK, and Virgo.

  • Other leading contributors range from the global Association of Vertical Farming to Wageningen University.

  • Other talks include a view of the city of the future, a nutrition briefing, and debate about the relative merit of aeroponics, aquaponics, and hydroponics.

  • A technology briefing will look in-depth at operational choices, plant growth, lighting, and robotics.

  • Innovator case studies include growing underground, modular aeroponics, shipping containers, and success in Taiwan.”

    Media partners include AgFunder, Agritecture, AOA Chile, Association of Vertical Farming, Eatable Adventures, Farm Tech Society, FoodBev Media, Hortidaily, iGrow, Japan Plant Factory Association, NextGenChef, Urban Ag News, Vertical Farming Consulting, and Vertical Farming Podcast. Full program and booking details are available at zenithglobal.com/events. There is a specially discounted rate for start-ups.

Media partners include AgFunder, Agritecture, AOA Chile, Association of Vertical Farming, Eatable Adventures, Farm Tech Society, FoodBev Media, Hortidaily, iGrow News, Japan Plant Factory Association, NextGenChef, Urban Ag News, Vertical Farming Consulting, and Vertical Farming Podcast.

Full program and booking details are available at zenithglobal.com/events.

There is a specially discounted rate for start-ups.

For further information, go to www.zenithglobal.com/events or contact events@zenithglobal.com.

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Vertical Farming IGrow PreOwned Vertical Farming IGrow PreOwned

Hundreds of Millions Are Being Invested in Vertical Farms Across North America, Europe, The Middle East, Japan And Beyond

This 1st Vertical Farming World Congress will enable you to hear from leading global players and to network with key figures from across the global industry. Bringing together vertical farming operators, investors, suppliers and experts, the event aims is to debate and help advance the sector’s future

Hundreds of millions are being invested in vertical farms across North America, Europe, the Middle East, Japan, and beyond. How big can the industry grow? Will it replace traditional agriculture? Which technology is best – aeroponic, aquaponic, or hydroponic? Which crops are most profitable? Will they boost supermarkets or come directly to our homes?

This 1st Vertical Farming World Congress will enable you to hear from leading global players and to network with key figures from across the global industry. Bringing together vertical farming operators, investors, suppliers, and experts, the event aims is to debate and help advance the sector’s future.

Program highlights include:

  • Virtual vertical farm tours

  • 1-1 video call networking opportunities

  • Market opportunity and funding insights

  • Industry leadership panel

  • Focus on aeroponics, aquaponics, hydroponics choices

  • Technology briefing from plant growth to robotics

  • Key innovator case studies

  • Plus funding panel, workshops, and one to one meetings.

Zenith Global’s Vertical Farming World Congress is where the world of vertical farming will meet virtually to develop the sector’s future. Make sure you secure your place to stay ahead of your competition.

For full event information and to register, visit: http://www.zenithglobal.com/events/vfwc2020

For information on sponsorship opportunities, visit www.zenithglobal.com/events/sponsorship, or contact Lisa Solovieva on e lsolovieva@zenithglobal.com t +44 (0)1225 327900

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