Where Does Our Lettuce Really Come From?

According to www.keepcaliforniafarming.com, more than 90% of the U.S. production of lettuce comes from either California or Arizona. The website also tells us: “The majority of production from April through October occurs in the Salinas Valley of California, while production from November through March occurs in California’s Imperial Valley.”

This shouldn’t really come as much of a surprise to folks who understand that the majority of leafy greens, and indeed most vegetables need a warm climate to thrive and grow. And that’s why California, Arizona, Texas, Florida, and states with similar climates are successful in agriculture.

The U.S. is the second-largest user of lettuce after only China (which makes complete sense based on population), but when we look at lettuce consumption and production as an example, we can see why vertical indoor farming can be such a great way to supplement what we eat.

The same website gives us quite a few facts about lettuce that we may never have thought of including that Americans consume on average, 30 pounds of lettuce each per year. That’s because lettuce is healthy, used in a variety of ways, and well, it just plain tastes good to a LOT of consumers both here in America and almost everywhere else. It’s nutritious, low in calories, generally healthy, and has a lot of varieties that can be consumed in a number of salads and other dishes. Americans have also become more accustomed to having choices in both restaurants and supermarkets. The days of relying just on iceberg lettuce are long gone. Today consumers are aware of less mainstream varieties or cultivars and they want to not only experience those cultivars but enjoy them on a routine basis. We have, in a word become “picky” about something as simple as a leafy green lettuce.

So let’s say that 90+% of the U.S. lettuce production is in California and Arizona, but we know that those two states only account for a small percentage of the U.S. population. How does the rest of America get their lettuce? The answer for most folks is by truck. So, the lettuce, like many vegetables in the U.S., is grown in California and shipped across the country - usually by a tractor-trailer. Of course, this has historically been the way to do things, and likely will be for the near term, but that transportation comes with its own set of challenges and increasing costs. For example, we read all the time about shortages of qualified truck drivers, the increasing cost of fuel that we can all see, the increase in salaries due to the worker shortage, and so on. What this means is that supplies to other parts of the country coming from the west coast may be inadequate to meet demand - especially if demand is increasing due to people wanting to eat healthier.

The USDA Specialty Crops Truck Rate Report published August 4, 2021, showed slight shortages of lettuce in Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, and Philadelphia. Keep in mind that this may only be termed as “slight shortage” but also this is a report for August and August is a month when it should be relatively easy to produce large amounts of lettuce - even outside of Arizona and California. So why the shortage? And, if a slight shortage now, what happens at other times of the year when the growing season isn’t exactly peak for other parts of the U.S. outside of California and Arizona?

Of course, the answer is that the “slight shortage” can very easily become more of a real shortage during times when other areas can’t produce lettuce to supplement that which comes out of Arizona and California. Factor in the increased cost of transportation, spoilage that is inevitable when a food source is harvested and then must be transported long distances, and other factors that can be catastrophic in nature and may include droughts, fires, floods, etc. and it becomes a compelling argument that growing indoors more closely to where a product is consumed can be very appealing.

Also, growing vertically in a controlled environment will help to lessen the chances for something to be introduced into the crop that isn’t wanted. Think about the E.coli scares that we have seen in the past several years. While diseases can be introduced into a crop at the seed level and so indoor farming is not 100% a safeguard against something like E.coli, it does help to mitigate many of the factors that might influence such a malady.

Vertical farming then can play a significant role in where our lettuce or other vegetables or plants come from both now and well into the future. By growing products close to the source of consumption, the product is fresher, should theoretically be cheaper over time, and should taste better with much less spoilage. As an added bonus, the lettuce can be grown year-round without herbicides and pesticides so it actually can be a cleaner form of plant than even something termed “organic.”

So, where does our lettuce come from today and where will it come from tomorrow? At HYVE they are helping to construct an infrastructure that hopefully answers that question in a way that will lead to great outcomes for all within the supply chain and also those ultimately eating the lettuce.

Visit www.growhyve.com to learn more about the indoor farming systems being produced. While they are not likely to supplant traditional farming in the short term, the systems are compelling for their advanced automation, accelerated ability to produce crops, and mostly for their ability to make growing local something that can happen anywhere. Again, we ask the question - Where does our lettuce really come from? We should also bookmark that question to ask a few years down the road because the answer may be very different.


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