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Dickson Despommier, Professor Emeritus - Contributor To The New Book "The Economics of Sustainable Food: Smart Policies For Health And The Planet "

I contributed to the new book The Economics of Sustainable Food: Smart Policies for Health and the Planet , Co-Authored by Dr. Charles Knirsch, and am excited to say that it is now available!

In The Economics of Sustainable Food, I discuss, as agrotechnology advances rapidly, consumers will no longer have their produce shipped months in advance and from thousands of miles away. Vertical farming uses a fraction of the resources of conventional farming and allows farmers to grow locally and bring fresh produce to the mass market within days or even hours, reducing the carbon footprint associated with transporting food. Additionally, as climate change brings dramatic weather changes, CEA allows constant conditions regardless of weather patterns. VF thus promises substantial environmental and economic gains, and policy should incentivize vertical farms to grow increasing shares of produce both domestically and across the world.

If you’d like to purchase a copy from Island Press, which ships worldwide, use the code BATINI, which is good for a 20% discount. You can also order the book from AmazonBarnes and Noble, and your local independent bookseller.

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All the best,

