*Never Used* 2021 Freight Farms Greenery S | Pennsylvania (PA2)
Manufactured in Boston by Freight Farms, the Greenery S is the third version of their revolutionary shipping container farm. Freight Farms has sold over 500 farms located across the globe, from Alaska to the Middle East.
The technology in the farm provides precise control to optimize the lighting, water, and environment to produce perfect plants. Our planet wins through 90% less water usage, energy-efficient LED lighting, and a footprint that is just 0.3% of conventionally farmed land for equivalent yield.
The life cycle starts with non-GMO seeds in a nursery for approximately 3 weeks. The seedlings are transplanted into a substrate in vertical towers which maximizes space. Water then carries specific nutrients to the plants and LED lights replicate the sun for another 4 weeks before they reach their peak. Using hydroponic methods in a laboratory-like environment, we can safely harvest our greens with very limited handling.
*Chassis available for purchase at additional cost
Manufactured in Boston by Freight Farms, the Greenery S is the third version of their revolutionary shipping container farm. Freight Farms has sold over 500 farms located across the globe, from Alaska to the Middle East.
The technology in the farm provides precise control to optimize the lighting, water, and environment to produce perfect plants. Our planet wins through 90% less water usage, energy-efficient LED lighting, and a footprint that is just 0.3% of conventionally farmed land for equivalent yield.
The life cycle starts with non-GMO seeds in a nursery for approximately 3 weeks. The seedlings are transplanted into a substrate in vertical towers which maximizes space. Water then carries specific nutrients to the plants and LED lights replicate the sun for another 4 weeks before they reach their peak. Using hydroponic methods in a laboratory-like environment, we can safely harvest our greens with very limited handling.
*Chassis available for purchase at additional cost
Manufactured in Boston by Freight Farms, the Greenery S is the third version of their revolutionary shipping container farm. Freight Farms has sold over 500 farms located across the globe, from Alaska to the Middle East.
The technology in the farm provides precise control to optimize the lighting, water, and environment to produce perfect plants. Our planet wins through 90% less water usage, energy-efficient LED lighting, and a footprint that is just 0.3% of conventionally farmed land for equivalent yield.
The life cycle starts with non-GMO seeds in a nursery for approximately 3 weeks. The seedlings are transplanted into a substrate in vertical towers which maximizes space. Water then carries specific nutrients to the plants and LED lights replicate the sun for another 4 weeks before they reach their peak. Using hydroponic methods in a laboratory-like environment, we can safely harvest our greens with very limited handling.
*Chassis available for purchase at additional cost
Site Requirements: The Greenery S can be placed indoors or outdoors, on a level surface (maximum 3% grade) that can support its weight, such as pavement, concrete, trap rock, or sonotubes. The footprint of the Greenery itself is minimal, but you'll need enough space to maneuver it during placement and for access during operation. Aim for a level area of approximately 50 feet by 10 feet.
Electrical Requirements: The Greenery S comes standard with a 150 A, 240 V electrical connection. Typical power consumption is less than 5kW per hour.
Water Requirements: It utilizes a highly efficient hydroponic system that minimizes water usage. Water should be tested before growing to ensure it is safe for use. A reverse osmosis filter can be installed if water quality is found to be insufficient. The Greenery S can be connected directly to a water supply, or an insulated garden hose. It is recommended that the container be within 50 feet of a water source.