VIDEO: USA - Pennsylvania - Montgomery County Students Learn Valuable Skills From Hydroponic Farm

Montgomery County Students Learn Valuable Skills From Hydroponic Farm

By Todd Haas

June 8, 2023

The students have been taking part in a not-so-typical science project at Methacton High School.

EAGLEVILLE, Pennsylvania (WPVI) -- The students have been taking part in a not-so-typical science project at Methacton High School.

After seeing a video clip three years ago, AP science teacher, Steve Savitz, wanted to bring the idea of a mobile hydroponics farm to the school.

The dream came true, and now the students are learning about the importance of sustainable farming and even picking up some business skills along the way.

The 400-square-foot container can produce about two acres of vegetables.

This whole project would not have been possible without the funding of the Methacton Education Foundation.

The students grow lettuce, spinach, kale and other greens.

Each week, they plant about 800 plants, leaving them with a ton of inventory.

The students and staff decided to first start donating the greens to The Daily Bread Community Pantry. They also sell their products to Tosco's, a local pizza shop, and to the Elmwood Park Zoo.

The zoo will use the greens to feed its animals.

In the future, Methacton High School plans to use the proceeds from its sales to install solar panels on the roof of its farm to make it even more sustainable.


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